HP April Fools Fest - February 2nd, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
HP April Fools Fest

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February 2nd, 2012

2012 Fest Rules [Feb. 2nd, 2012|03:50 pm]


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Please read these, even if you have participated before just to remind yourself! Again, this year we'll be letting you anonymously pick your also anonymous prompts!

Despite the length of my rule list, I promise this is a ridiculously fun, warm and fuzzy fest!</i>

2012 HP April Fools Fest Rules )
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2012 [info]hp_april_fools Sign-ups! [Feb. 2nd, 2012|03:54 pm]


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Read our rules? Want to join the foolish exchange? Already celebrated your 18th birthday?
Then leave a comment to this post to sign up!

Please use the following format for signing up for [info]hp_april_fools. The post is screened and will be available for sign-ups until 09 February.

We'll do an additional post on 10 February for you to anonymously claim a prompt for an unknown/numbered fool! Double-blinds are awesome!

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