Jul. 3rd, 2009


FIC: One Last Hurrah 1/1 (Rated PG)

One Last Hurrah
By Lomeinie ( 2cbetter2 )

Rating: PG
Spoilers: For “Simple Explanation” certainly and a slight spoiler for the season finale “Both Sides Now”
Characters: Taub, Foreman, Thirteen, Cameron, Chase, and House 
Words: 2369
Beta: Bonomania @ LJ



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Jul. 2nd, 2009


FIC: Getting Out of Reverse 6/15 (Rated PG-13)

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Mar. 28th, 2009


FIC: Scaredy Kat 1/1 (Rated G)

Scaredy Kat
By Lomeinie

Rating: G
Spoilers: One or two small for Season 5's “Here Kitty” - you were warned!

Summary: A missing scene fic in which a detour is taken.
Words: 400

I don't own House or characters from it and since I've not made anything from this I expect not to be sued.

A/N 1: Yes, I spelled the word “cat” the way I did on purpose.
A/N 2: This fic is unbetaed.


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