Jul. 27th, 2009


FIC: Getting Out of Reverse 7/15 (Rated PG-13)

See headers and disclaimers here.

A/N: Proceeding on the advice of my beta bonomania I've decided to post this chapter as is.

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Jul. 2nd, 2009


FIC: Getting Out of Reverse 6/15 (Rated PG-13)

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Getting Out of Reverse Header IJ Edition 1 (updated)

Getting Out of Reverse

Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Up through WILSON'S HEART and very very very AU after that although I might have a small minor Season 5 spoiler here and there

Word Count: 17,516 (revised) total with most chapters around 500 to 3,500 (revised) words each
Characters: Wilson, Cuddy, House, Foreman, Kutner, Thirteen, Taub, Chase, Cameron, with some OCs
Pairing(s): House/Cuddy, House/Wilson (friendship), Wilson/Amber, Wilson/Cuddy (friendship)

Credits, acknowledgements, author's notes and medical disclaimer ) Beta(s):
KellyAnnie (Chapter 1 only), theviewfromhere, and bonomania

A very special thanks goes out to my first readers
- capeofstorm
- michelleann68
- everybodyliesmd
- And all my first readers becase without the encouragement and feedback of these people this story never would've gotten finished or posted.

Medical Disclaimers: This story contain some medical issues that I've done my best to research and ask others with medical knowledge to verify.

But you should know I am neither a medical student, doctor, or nurse and although I've done my best to write the medical aspects as accurately as I've understood them, please DO NOT use this story to self-diagnose any problems you might be having. Please if you are having problems seek the attention of a licensed physician!

A/N 1: Special thanks to drstrangelove12, for being my medical advisor! 

In this continuation of Happiness, it has been six months since he left Princeton and Wilson is about to learn what happened after he left.

Disclaimers: I don't own House or any of the characters and I've made nothing from this so it'd be nice if you do NOT sue me for this!

Apr. 2nd, 2009


FIC: Getting Out of Reverse 5/15 (Rated PG-13)

See general and medical disclaimers in Chapter 1.

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FIC: Getting Out of Reverse 4/15 (Rated PG-13)

See medical and genera disclaimers in Chapter 1.

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FIC: Getting Out of Reverse 3/15 (Rated PG-13)

See general and medical disclaimers in Chapter 1.


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Mar. 29th, 2009


FIC: Getting Out of Reverse 2/15 (Rated PG-13)

See medical and general disclaimers in Chapter 1.

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Mar. 28th, 2009


FIC: Scaredy Kat 1/1 (Rated G)

Scaredy Kat
By Lomeinie

Rating: G
Spoilers: One or two small for Season 5's “Here Kitty” - you were warned!

Summary: A missing scene fic in which a detour is taken.
Words: 400

I don't own House or characters from it and since I've not made anything from this I expect not to be sued.

A/N 1: Yes, I spelled the word “cat” the way I did on purpose.
A/N 2: This fic is unbetaed.


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