House M.D. Fanfiction - FIC: There's No Such Thing In The World (As An Undo Button) [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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FIC: There's No Such Thing In The World (As An Undo Button) [May. 29th, 2008|06:02 pm]
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Title: There's No Such Thing In The World (As An Undo Button)
Fandom: House, M.D. (fusion with Knocked Up).
Pairing/Rating: House/Foreman, PG this part.
Length: WIP; 2100 words this part.
Author's Notes: You know how a lot of people say they write mostly for themselves? I think this is that fic where I write pretty much entirely for myself. Please don't expect such a thing as "plausibility" here.

Summary: A one-night stand leads to something not really intended by nature.

Cover Art, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11

( There's No Such Thing In The World (As An Undo Button), Part 12 )