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Nov. 21st, 2008


Images: Weiss

Nov. 7th, 2008


Translation: Dramatic Collection I - Holy Children

Note on Translation:

This is a translation from a Chinese translation found of DC1 - The Holy Children. Japanese to Chinese to English means a great loss of accuracy! I'm translating literally from the Chinese translation. If the original translator has added descriptions and stuff herself, I wouldn't know. This is only to give you an idea of what happens in DC1, it's not supposed to be accurate at all.

Anything I've added to the translation are in brackets.

The original Chinese translation was done by Deanna.

=YS=, translator


Drama CDs: Translation Index

A short note about the Drama CD's:

The translations of these drama cd's are in very high demand so I have decided to provide what I have of Jey Kama's translated work to you. I have tried to contact Jey Kama for permission to showcase these, but have gotten no reply. You can certainly visit the site where these were originally hosted, however many of the pages are no longer up and the site has fallen into a bit of disrepair. I have no idea whether Jey Kama plans on continuing a Weiss Kreuz site, but I feel that his/her translations of these CD's are fantastic and should be made available to all so I am posting these without permission in the hopes that Jey Kama will forgive me. Jey Kama, if you are out there, please know that I am giving you full credit for your translations and a link back to your site. If you absolutely do not want me to continue hosting these works, let me know and I will understand and take them down. Any of the other translated works that are not Jey Kama's, I have given credit where I can. If you know where the translations come from please let me know so that I can contact the owner and/or at least give proper credit. CD Summaries courtesy of Athena.

Thank you,


Images: Manx and Birman

Oct. 18th, 2008


Images: Aya and Group

Oct. 7th, 2008


Images: Aya and Aya-chan

Oct. 6th, 2008


Aya Images


The New HopeForlorn

Beginning the move here. 

You will start to notice random Weiss drops to this community - images, music,  information, etc, etc. 

Feel free to squee over anything or talk to other community members in comments.  ^_^  I don't really mind.

The next post will be up in a few minutes and I will arrange everything via the tagging system in the left column of this journal so that you can find things easily.

Good to see you all here!  If you happen to know of anyone who is a Weiss fan or is lamenting the demise of the main HopeForlorn site - please direct them here to share the love.

Thanks for sticking with me, minna-san!

Sep. 13th, 2008


State of the site

Looks like I am going to have to go with my original idea and move most of the site to this journaling service for now. It's a sad day, and I don't want to have to do it, but...

I am in dire financial straits and I just can't afford the $40 a month it takes to keep the site up and running. Even if I could afford it this month (which I can't), I certainly can't afford it for the whole year.

So, I am going to make this a running Weiss Kreuz blog with a plethora of stuff being moved here as best I can. This will be a slow process as I am in school right now, but I will work on it as best I can.

I apologize for all the waffling. Life has just hit me harder than usual this year with prices of everything going up and the loss of employment, etc.

Thanks you all for being so supportive!

You will find the site taken down by the end of the month. I will do my best to get things moved here as soon as I can.


Jun. 30th, 2008


What's going on with site??

Well, currently it is in a state of limbo right now. My hopes are to get it back up the way that I want it this summer, but all the deadlines I have set for myself have passed.

The reason it isn't being working on right now is two-fold.

#1 Life stress - the family here went through job loss and money problems to the point where we are now at poverty level and are on state aid for food. This is getting better and things are looking up, but it has been a depressing situation and doesn't leave a body with much want to do anything but dig yourself out of the situation you find yourself in.

#2 No time - due to #1 above, all time has been spent looking for work or figuring out money problems. There has just been no time to revamp the site the way I would like too.

Fortunately, I am currently going through a bout of renewed creativity and hopefully this will spill over to the site.

Bear with will be up again, and hopefully I will update here a little more often to let everyone know what's going on.


Mar. 11th, 2008


State of the site

Ran into a few problems with the revamp - mostly deciding what to put where - and with RL (hello, I need a job!).

I am scheduling the site for a Grand Re-Opening some time in June (sooner if I get the issues worked out).  This is due to the fact that I only have about 20% of it done the way I want and sometimes life just kicks my ass.

Hopefully, when it is done, it will live up to all my hype.  ^_^;;;

Jan. 24th, 2008

[info]yohjideranged update

Not to worry, I am still working on the site. Just getting a few of the major design issues set and some of the bugs out.

However, RL has interfered somewhat and I am pushing the date of the Grand Re-open to sometime in late February. Sorry about all the inconvenience this may cause.

Sep. 11th, 2007


HopeForlorn Navigation

Currently, this is just a placeholder. Bear with me as I get the rest of the site moved over.  It may be a slow process depending on how much I have to do during the day/week/month. My goal is to get the site transferred over by the end of November when the site officially goes down.


Welcome to HopeForlorn’s Navigation Entry


What are you looking for?




Kapitel | Gluhen | Verbrechen Strafe


Manga and Novels


Assassin and White Shaman | Ranjaitai | Forever White | Side B


Drama CDs

Downloads and Translations

Music of Weiss

Downloads and Lyrics | Official Music Videos


The Characters


Crashers | Sendai Kritiker | Weiss | Schwarz | Schreient | Kryptonbrand


The Gallery (Official Art)


The Crashers


Knight | Bishop | Rook | Pawn | Ran | Group | Others


Weiss: An Assassin and White Shaman


Aya | Yohji | Ken | Omi | Weiss Group | Schwarz


Weiss Kapitel


Aya | Yohji | Ken | Omi | Weiss Group | Schwarz | Schreient | Kritiker | Others


Weiss Gluhen


Aya | Yohji | Ken | Omi | Kyou | Sena | Group | Schwarz | Rosenkreuz | Crashers | Others


Weiss Verbrechen Strafe


Aya | Yohji | Ken | Omi | Group | Others


Weiss Side B


Aya | Ken | Chloe | Free | Michel | Yuki | Group | Others





Wallpapers | AMVS




Jan. 1st, 2010


Welcome Weiβ Kreuz Fans!

With the sad and painful demise of, I have decided to move much of the information over here.  It isn't as flashy, but hopefully it will be just as helpful to all the fans.

It will take me a little while to transfer everything over, so please keep checking back.  I will have links to the right as your navigation, so follow those where you will.

I told you I wasn't out of the fandom...I just couldn't keep such a big site any longer.

So, here I am.  ^_^

Much love,

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