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Home Plate: OOC Community for 'Never Safe'

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[Mar. 11th, 2008|11:26 pm]
Hey everyone, and welcome to [info]neversafe

As I'm sure you've all seen by now, the game has been delayed in opening. This is due to the current low number of members. I'm planning to continue with the advertisements throughout the life of the game. However, if anyone has any other ideas as to how to try and increase the numbers, please, feel free to suggest and/or advertise the game as much as you can.

The current advert I've been using is:

Hopefully, assuming we can gain enough members, the game can open up by the end of the month so we can get on with playing.

Thank you again to everyone who's joined up so far. And here's to hoping we can get this up and off the ground!
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[Feb. 28th, 2008|04:54 am]
Well, not that there's that many people to say hi to yet, but regardless, hellos!

I'm Addy, I'm the resident Yuna. Looking forward to playing with everyone. Just hit me up on my various messengers and we can get some nice and oogly plot going.
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