Wednesday, December 17th, 2008

One wish

It seems that many of the friends that graced ye olde flist have taken the tumble back to LJ and have left this journal sadly unloved.

So the one wish for Christmas is to have non-judgmental, very open-minded people to get to add and get to know. Journal is very friendly, open-minded, positive thinking (for the most part) and incredible into just being and being happy.

If interested, please view profile and feel free to add.

Thank you. :)
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Sunday, November 30th, 2008


Greetings from snowy Michigan! I'm GR, and this is my first time with Holiday Wishes. I work for a newspaper as a copy editor, in my spare time I write fanfiction, and I'm hoping to make the jump to original novels before my job gets transferred to the other side of the state. ^_^;;

1. Flavored coffee – extra happy if it’s orange! (Seville orange and Southern Comfort coffees are love.)

2. Art for any of my stories. I write fanfic primarily for Weiß Kreuz and Final Fantasy VII now, and I’m working on some original fics over at my writing journal (here). I’d especially love to have art for the original stories with your permission to use that art on my professional website (something I’m trying to get set up in the next few months). Note that a lot of my fics do have adult material, but the art doesn’t have to! I like character studies and portraits, and I really like to see what my words inspire.

3. Your favorite candy! Yes, I’m a candy adventurer! I love getting sweets from other countries – heck, even other states sometimes have signature goodies that don’t exist in Michigan! (Do they even make Cherry Mash anymore?) Best of all is if you include a note telling me what you love about that candy – anything from a short comment of “Yummy!” to a long and deliberately silly “gourmet review” would make my day.

4. Gift cards – Target (home stuffs), PetSmart (because my cats don’t have thumbs or driver’s licenses), or JoAnn Fabrics (to remind me to make some clothes for my BJDs)

5. Mixed music CDs, any format. I’m fond of darkwave and movie themes, and I’m always looking for new stuff to write to (but I already have just about everything The Crüxshadows have ever done, so no need for those).

6. Hello Kitty anything. Yes, anything.

7. Japanese stuff – music, toys, candy, whatever! (Um, no natto, please…I’m not THAT brave!)

8. Tea! I’m a glutton for Stash Indian and Japanese teas, I still have a soft spot for Bigelow Constant Comment, and I’ll try everything in between! Whatever kind you like, I want to taste it.

9. Surprises! I could use a good surprise after the year I've had.  ^_^;

10. The Obligatory Amazon Wish List.

My mailing address is:
P.O. Box 264
Davison, MI 48423

And feel free to PM me if you have any questions.

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Wednesday, November 19th, 2008


1) In the "totally unreasonable" category, I would not say no if someone won the lottery and wanted to build me this house. I have a place to put it and everything.

2) In the "substantially more reasonable" category, my Amazon wishlist is here.

3) Fanart. I can just never have enough art of my favorite characters, and by "favorite" I still mostly mean "Dragon Quest VIII", though, you know, there's also DQIV and DQ Swords. If it's an illustration for my fic, even better. (Most of my fic can be found here, though I have a story or two here and here.

4) Mood themes. I ♥ my DQ8 mood theme, but I admit I got lazy and didn't make individual images for all of the moods, and it would be lovely to have a complete mood theme. Beast Wars and Power Rangers (MMPR through PRiS, though honestly my great loves are the movie and Dragonzord) mood themes would also be made of win and awesome.

5) Layouts for my fiction journals (see above links). They aren't paid, so I can't load them up with Flexible Squares, and I'm too lazy to learn to customize Bloggish and...whatever I settled on for [info]green_ranger. Layouts that will work with free accounts would be awesome. The only must have for me is that the tag list must appear in the sidebar, and I like my icons to show up on posts.

6) Music. I am missing the two most recent Nox Arcana CDs, Grimm Tales and Phantoms of the High Seas.

7) Fic. There is a sad lack of Impalabot fic out there. There is also a sad lack of Dragon Quest fic I didn't write myself or strong-arm people into writing for me. I...I am honestly afraid to go look for Knight Rider fic (old or new) because I have less patience for crappy fic than for crappy television. I like mpreg, even though it has a bad reputation so the good writers never write it and therefore 99.999999% of what exists is utter crap. Tentacle fic is always love, of course. And since I flitter around the edges of fandom, and don't belong to comms or do much searching for fic, I'm sure I'm missed all manner of wonderful things that were posted by people not on my flist, so you could just rec me good stuff, even in fandoms I don't know; fic is usually how I find new fandoms. I like h/c and angst and non-con/dub-con, but I also don't like downer endings, which is why I write in universes where Magic Can Fix It. On the other hand, I also like fluff and crack and weird crossovers, as you may have noticed from my NaNo project.

8) Yarn. Doesn't have to be fancy; let's face it, I knit to play with pritty colors. And most of my knitting is small, simple stuff, suited to my short attention span, so even leftovers are good for me. Kittehs do not care if their blankies are multi-colored, and I don't care if my slippers are patchwork. Old but still useable knitting needles are also love; I inherited most of the ones I have, but more needles=more projects at any given time (see: short attention span). filled by [info]snapesgirl

9) Vids. My slow connection means I almost never seek out vids for myself; I can almost guarantee I won't have seen whatever awesome vid you point me at. Point me, and I will make a list and watch them at work. ^__^

10) The icon described in this post.
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Thursday, November 27th, 2008

I feel bad, because it's long, but I'm a poor college student and apparently I need things.

Wishlist )
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Monday, November 24th, 2008

This is fun.

My wish list )
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Sunday, November 11th, 2007

My Wishlist

My Wish List

1) Icons made specifically for me. For those who don't know me very well, feel free to check my interests on my profile page for ideas.

2) Fic written for me. Be it original or fanfic, I'd love to read it.

3) Music! Pretty much anything but rap, r&b, and country/folk. It doesn't even have to be on a cd and shipped to me. Uploaded is fine. :D In English or a different language, I love it all.

4) Lost Season One - New or used.

5) Anything from my Amazon Wishlist, but most especially any of the books. :D Again, new or used if fine.

6) The Reader Digital Book - A SonyStyle ebook reader from Sony.

7) Sign up to be a bone marrow donor, and/or donate blood. (Links are to info about each.)

8) A paid or permanent InsaneJournal account. :D I wanna be commited!

9) A commissioned art piece (one that I can actually put up on my wall), of the scene in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows where Neville frees himself from the Sorting Hat and uses Gryffindore's Sword to cut off Nagini's head.

10) Cliche though it is, I want everyone on IJ to have a safe and happy holiday.

If you have any questions about any of the wishes, feel free to contact me.

Also, I think I've followed the rules on linking, but let me know if I haven't and need to fix it. :)

Contact Info )
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Thursday, November 8th, 2007

1. More IJ friends! Take a look at my profile and if we share interests, please friend me.

2. Votes for my favorite fun fandom at TV_Vote. If you could periodically click on Hercules: the Legendary Journeys through the end of the year it would make me very happy!

3. Holiday cards. I love to receive them and will send you one in return.

4. Throw a dollar in a charity collection bucket of your choice.

5. Sulky 40wt Rayon machine embroidery thread. There’s only one fabric store in my town, and their prices are outrageous. If you see a deal, think of me. Any color!

6. I’d like to raise $50 for The Innocence Project, which assists wrongly convicted prisoners in proving their innocence through DNA evidence. Visit this page to donate.

7. Anything from my Amazon wish list. When it comes to dvds and books, used is fine by me.

8. Any of the Dark Shadows Reborn cds from Big Finish.

9. This Cleveland Browns shirt.

10. My 1988 car really needs a paint job. So this is the big wish – anyone own an automotive paint shop? :D

Contact Info )
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