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Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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Harry and Draco. Quidditch Pitch. Relaxing flight... [Apr. 1st, 2008|06:38 pm]
When Tuesday at six rolled around after supper, Draco was more than relieved to make his way toward the pitch. He'd caused a right mess of things inside the castle, so a good chunk of time just flying in the air would hopefully get his head clear again. And who better to do it with then Harry, really? Oh, Draco knew he could fly alone, but it would also give him a chance to really talk with Harry more, and more freely too--especially since they were out of prying ears out there. His fingers closed around the older school broom--far much older than what Draco had ever touched prior to now--not really waiting for Harry to arrive before kicking off into the air. He stayed within the boundaries of the pitch so that Harry could find him when the Gryffindor arrived, but until then, Draco would lose himself in flying in circles.
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By the lake (Hannah and Susan, open) [Mar. 31st, 2008|12:14 am]
Susan closed her legens and started down towards the lake. She was excited to talk to Hannah, it felt like they hadn't had too much time lately. She wanted to talk about the Draco thing with Hannah, but she was going to have to be careful. She wasn't going to tell Hannah what to do, but she did wonder what was on her mind. She'd have to be supportive no matter what, it wasn't going to be easy for Hannah because of Malfoy's reputation around them.

But, there was always school and spring and other such things to talk about too. It was nice down by the lake, even though it had been raining for days. It served to make the grass start to come out and really feel like spring.
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On the way to the kitchens [open] [Mar. 30th, 2008|07:05 pm]
[Current Mood | hungry]

"Stop it, James!" Peter hissed, as his mouse tried to escape for the third time since they'd left Gryffindor Tower. He tried to shove James back into his pocket -- yet again, to no avail. When James was overexcited like this, there wasn't much else Peter could do. He clasped the mouse loosely in between his palms, held his hands up to his mouth, and cooed softly to his pet. "It's all right. I won't let anybody hurt you."

He supposed it was possible that Filch's horrid cat was spying on them. She always made James nervous, but Peter was sure he'd know if she was around before James did. Cats always made him sneeze something awful. Catching sight of a shadow on the wall, Peter turned and slowly lowered his hands. I'm not doing anything wrong, he thought, trying to force himself not to look guilty. It's not after curfew, and this corridor isn't out of bounds, even if the kitchens are.
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[Mar. 30th, 2008|05:58 am]
|[ WHO ]| Draco Malfoy & Hannah Abbott
|[ WHERE ]| Alcove on the Seventh Floor
|[ WHEN ]| Evening; (backdated because I'm a horrible, horrible person. Before the Pansy/Draco thread)
|[ WHAT ]| Hannah runs into Draco and a long talk ensues
|[ NOTES ]| Started in AIM, to be finished in comments

Talk of Futures, Muggles and Occupations )
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In the Library (open) [Mar. 11th, 2008|08:21 pm]
Lily had a pile of work in store before the Easter hols, so she currently sat in the library, studying and plotting her course. She had been doing a lot of studying recently; it was her default reaction to problems she needed to think about. If she was too busy with work, she didn't have the time to think about it.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw someone approaching the table she currently was alone at. She looked up from the textbook to greet the person.
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Roaming the Corridors [open] [Mar. 9th, 2008|07:54 pm]
Jacob angrily shoved his hands in his pockets as he left the library. )
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In the Library [open] [Mar. 9th, 2008|07:26 pm]
"Stop it!" Marlene snapped, flinching even as she said the words. Her voice wasn't usually that loud, not even when she was outside the library.

Jacob beamed at his sister. "I'm just saying, you're captain for one year and the team falls apart. You couldn't even lead them to one victory." He leaned against her table and pretended to dust a piece of lint off his shirt.

"You don't think I know that?" Marlene asked shrilly. "I know it was my fault. I... I don't know what I did, but..." Marlene suddenly glared at her brother. "And you really shouldn't be talking now, should you? You're just upset that Gryffindor lost yesterday." Before Jacob could respond, Marlene opened the textbook in front of her. "Now, if you don't mind, I really should be studying for the O.W.L.s. They're less than three months away, you know."

Marlene didn't bother looking up when Jacob left. She could hear him muttering under his breath as he walked away, but she couldn't have cared less about what he was saying. He would apologize eventually, probably with some kind of sweet in hand. And, if he didn't, it wasn't a big deal. She'd forget why she was mad in a few days. Until then, she could use the extra time to finish preparing her study guides.
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A Fun-Filled Quidditch Match [Mar. 4th, 2008|07:00 pm]
[To take place shortly after this journal entry and this note posted by Draco in his journal, made viewable to everybody]

Draco arrived at the pitch around 7:20 or so that evening, knowing that he'd want to be there early before anyone else showed up. A school practice broom was in his hands, something that Draco never truly thought he'd have to use again. His fingers tightened on the hard, almost torn wood, wishing that he could have his own Firebolt back. It had been so smooth, so perfect, to fly on the Firebolt. Sighing tiredly, Draco leaned against one of the bleacher stands of the pitch and gazed upward at the setting sun as he waited for others to arrive. He could only hope that even at least Harry would show, but some how, Draco expected the Gryffindor to actually make an appearance that evening. Quidditch was at least one thing that could bring them together, and perhaps it could be Quidditch that could help others trust him more.
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Harry meets with Dumbledore [Mar. 3rd, 2008|06:42 pm]
It was a familiar path, one that he was sure he wouldn't forget for the rest of his life. He could walk it in his sleep, he was absolutely certain. Muttering the password that he had been told the last time he had to go to Professor Dumbledore's office, he made his way up the staircase. Knocking on the heavy door, he waited for the professor to admit him in. It was different knowing that this was going to be the conversation that was going to set everything into motion. The last time he had been in this position he had been trying to absorb all this information, now he was unsure of how much Dumbledore knew and how much they needed to cover. He would find out soon enough though.
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Neville and Luna hang out. [Mar. 2nd, 2008|04:50 pm]
Neville couldn't believe how nervous he was. This was Luna. One of his dearest friends. But this wasn't them being friends. Of course, that was part of it. Neville could never imagine himself with someone that wasn't a friend. Telling himself that he needed to calm down, he took a series of deep breaths. He knew what his plan for today was. He was going to show her what he'd found - and hope that she liked it as much as she thought he might. And, well, he was going to ask her to be his girlfriend. The most she could do was say no, right? And he knew that no matter what, Luna wouldn't stop being his friend. She wasn't like that.

Walking into the Great Hall, his stomach had been too nervous to eat. This had been one heck of a day. He'd spent part of the day with Snape - they'd worked on memory potions. Seeing Luna, he smiled and waved. He sat at the end of the Gryffindor table, figuring that when she was finished she'd join him.
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Neville's Worst Nightmare: Brewing with Snape [Mar. 2nd, 2008|01:15 pm]
[Current Mood | loved]

"So ... what have you planned for the afternoon -- besides pining away for me, of course?" Severus asked, trying to keep the chuckle out of his voice and succeeding for the most part. They were just now approaching the T-intersection of the dungeons that led to the Potions classroom on the one end, and his Potions workroom on the other. He had his arm slung over Sappho's shoulders, while she had both arms about his waist. Walking wrapped around one another this way made things a little slow going, but he wasn't in any particular hurry. They'd left the common room early enough that they wouldn't keep Linton waiting.
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In the Owlery [open] [Feb. 26th, 2008|08:39 pm]
[Current Mood | aggravated]

"Will you -- hold -- still?" Severus snapped at the infernal owl. Unfortunately, that had been a mistake. He grunted through clenched teeth, recoiling, after the bloody bird sheared a strip of flesh off his knuckle. As his order form fluttered away, landing near the threshold, he nearly slipped and fell on the slick stone, but he managed to regain his balance just in time. Pity he'd dropped the bit of twine he'd been holding, and it was lost amongst the droppings, bones, and owl pellets. Not that he would have wanted to retrieve it now, even if he knew where it had landed.

If this hadn't been the only owl left, Severus might have tried his hand at the Killing Curse. As it was, he would simply have to make a point not to try and send post at dusk, when most of the birds had gone off to hunt. Once he'd sucked on his injured finger long enough to remove the blood as well as heal the wound to his pride, he retrieved his order form, cut another length of twine with his wand, and prepared to try again. Before he had the chance, however, he turned at the noise of the Owlery's door creaking open.
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Valentine's Day [locked to Kingsley and Elizabeth] [Feb. 14th, 2008|07:57 pm]
[Current Mood | nervous]

Kingsley stood a bit nervously in the shadows as the Great Hall emptied out after dinner. He had no idea if Elizabeth had gotten his note or not. He had felt a small thrill when she had signed her return owl with the nickname he gave her on her birthday, but had quickly shrugged it off. After all, friends gave each other nicknames all the time didn't they? And it certainly wasn't proper to call a girl by her surname no matter what James Potter might think.

He had spent his free period getting ready after he had received the Butterbeer from James and Sirius. He hoped to Merlin they wouldn't be too sneaky and figured they would be to busy at the ball to figure out who he was meeting, nonetheless he had taken percautions.

Anyway he had commandeered and charmed an empty classroom that was tucked away from the Great Hall as to not arouse suspicion, but not too far away either.

Now all he had to do was wait.
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After Transfiguration [backdated to lunchtime] [Feb. 14th, 2008|12:02 pm]
[Current Mood | annoyed]

"Miss Puckle, would you please see me?" Minerva called over the general cacophony that resulted when the bell signalled the end of classes. It was to be expected, since this Transfiguration lesson immediately preceded lunch. Only a fool would come between a teenaged boy and his stomach. Fortunately for her, however, Miss Puckle was decidedly not a boy, and her schedule was free for the remainder of the afternoon, so her hunger could wait a few minutes.
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Attention! [backdated to this morning] [Feb. 14th, 2008|07:01 am]
[The following notice was pinned on the bulletin boards in all of the House Common Rooms.]

The staff would like to remind students that attendance to the Valentine's Day Ball is not mandatory. Nor is attending the ball with any particular guest. The Matchmaker is in no way affiliated with Professor Dumbledore's Penfriend Assignment.

We would also like to remind students that social events such as the Valentine's Day Ball are a privilege, not a right. Abuse of this privilege may cause it to be revoked.

Professor M. McGonagall,
Deputy Headmistress
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In the Library [open] [Feb. 11th, 2008|02:24 pm]
[Current Mood |fascinated]

Photographic Potions are KEWEL!!1! )
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Gryffindor Quidditch Practice [open to the team] [Feb. 2nd, 2008|08:33 am]
[Current Location |Quidditch Pitch]

Kingsley wasn't sure what was going on with the students in the castle but everyone seemed very tense. He always found that the best thing for that was Quidditch practice,and he figured his ear needed it. They were good, but they weren't that good as the loss to Slytherin has shown. So now it was after dinner and he had a sheaf of new plays in his brain. His long legs carried him down to he pith and he leaned against the door of the locker room to wait.
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Sneaking suspicions... [Jan. 29th, 2008|03:51 pm]

James Potter was in a rather awkward position right now. Not because he was waiting in a secret passage (again) near the dungeons, behind a rather unattractive painting of a rhino, but because he had to ask one of his dearest friends something incredibly odd.

"Uh, the new students. They're not new, are they?" He practiced, but shook his head. That wouldn't work.

"Lily and I think that the new students are from the future! Do you know?" He tried again, but rejected that idea too. 

He paused, distracted at his own mention of Lily's name. She had talked to him--they had a nice, albeit strange conversation--and she told him to ask Remus, since the werewolf clearly knew what was going on. 

He didn't want to get Padfoot or Wormtail's hopes up, so he had to meet Moony in private--and confirm his suspicions. He hardly expected Remus to answer truthfully...but he would find out soon.

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[Jan. 29th, 2008|02:17 pm]
|[ WHO ]| Hannah Ashford, OTA
|[ WHERE ]| Alcove in the side of the castle outside
|[ WHEN ]| 2:15 PM
|[ WHAT ]| Taking her break

Its the little things... )
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Prank Time! [foward-dated to Monday] [Jan. 27th, 2008|12:48 am]
Monday afternoon...students were tired from classes, teachers didn't feel like teaching....but fortunately for those sad Mondayers, James and Sirius had a brilliant, amusing prank to turn those frowns upside down. Well, at least it would make the Marauders feel better.

Sirius had set up the charm, and now the two were waiting behind a corner near the bathrooms for their first victims...

"Clothes shrinking...brilliant, brilliant, brilliant. Anyone who walks through this hallway is going to be very squished." James whispered, looking around. "And as soon as Snivellus comes, not only will his clothes shrink, but they'll also turn pink, and his hair will go into pigtails. You, mate, are the master of charms. I can't wait for our first victim...I'll take anyone at this point. Can you disable it if McGonagall comes?"
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