Aug. 27th, 2010


Who: George Weasley and Daphene Greengrass
When: August 27th, 3pm, 2001
Where: WWW
What: George and Daphene meet for the first time.,
Rating: PG (?)
Status: complete


Aug. 26th, 2010


Who: Leanne Moon and Katie Bell
When: August 26th, 2001
Where: Prof. Bell's office
What: Heart attack cake, fire whiskey and corruption
Rating: R
Status: In-progess

Gossip, cake and BOOZE )


Who: Katie Bell and Bill Weasley
When: August 26, 2001
Where: Quality Quidditch Supplies
What: Bill wants to keep his status as Best Older Brother by getting Ginny a gift, but gets sidetracked.
Rating: TBD
Status: in progress

Can't help it -- curses are fun! )


Owl to Katie Bell

Owl to K.Bells )

Aug. 16th, 2010


Who: Marcus Flint, Adrian Pucey, Clint Warrington
When: August 16, 2001
Where: Three Broomsticks, Hogwarts Quidditch Pitch
What: Pep talk with Warrington
Rating: R-ish?
Status: in progress

Seriously, language... )