November 26th, 2007

[info]laylah in [info]het_challenge

Het Challenge Needs You~

The sign-up period for this round of Het Challenge is supposed to end this Friday, November 30, and as of right now we do not have enough participants to make the challenge work out.

If you're thinking of signing up and have been putting it off, please make some time soon to get your signup done -- the sign-up post is here. If you have friends who might be interested, let them know, too. If you are a member of any asylums where it would be appropriate and where it would be okay to advertise (ask the mods if you're not sure whether it's okay), then please pimp the challenge there (link people to this post).

In short: if you want to make sure your fandoms are well-represented, please help out by letting other people in your fandoms know about us! We need more people to play for me to be able to match everyone who's signed up so far.

...also, if you're already signed up and you'd like to add to your current list to be able to offer more of the requested fandoms, please feel free! Anything that'll make it easier for me to match people up would be awesome. (You can review your signup here.)

Current offers:
offers )

Current requests:
requests )