Apr. 1st, 2009


Team EWE: 24. Don't count your mandrakes before they're re-potted.

Title: Between the Shadow and the Soul
Author: [info]aoifene
Team: EWE
Prompt: 24. Don't count your mandrakes before they're re-potted.
Wordcount: 3,046
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Language, established HP/DM, secondary character POV, one-sided BZ/DM
Summary: Often it is the most deserving people who cannot help loving those who destroy them. -Hesse
Author's Note Thank you to my beloved beta team: [info]jamie2109, [info]anthimaeria, [info]oldenuf2nb, and [info]melusinahp. This was a pinch hit and I chose to interpret this as not counting your chickens before they're hatched. In other words, there's no such thing as a sure bet.

Between the Shadow and the Soul )


Team Epilogue: 24. Don't count your mandrakes before they're re-potted.

Title: Wouldn't Have Been
Author: [info]yeuxmarrons
Team: Epilogue
Prompt: 24. Don't count your mandrakes before they're re-potted.
Wordcount: 7,515
Rating: PG
Warnings: A bit angsty, I suppose.
Summary: Harry's run away from the wizarding world, and none of his friends have been able to convince him to come back. When Draco is asked to see what he can do, he's sure they'll have one quick argument and he'll be on his way. It doesn't quite work out like that.
Author's Note This is my first time participating in organized fic-writing this way, and it's been a lot of fun. Thanks especially to the rest of Team Epilogue for the help and encouragement.

Wouldn't Have Been )


Team AU: 24. Don't count your mandrakes before they're re-potted.

Title: Six Years
Author: [info]chyldofeternity
Team: AU
Prompt: 24. Don't count your mandrakes before they're re-potted.
Wordcount: 4,298
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Angst, Angst, *
character death
* (highlight for spoilers).
Summary: Hermione's a new Psychiatrist at the Institute. Will she be able to help her troubled patient with his illness?
Author's Note This was a different kind of style for me. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it! A big THANK YOU to my Beta [info]maja_li for all her hard work (not to mention her ability to fix all my coding errors. She seriously rocks).

Six Years )

May 2009



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