Harry Potter slash
For all Harry Pairings

User: [info]tavia_d
Date: 2009-12-27 14:25
Subject: Platinum and Diamonds
Security: Public
Tags:content: non-con, fic, harry/draco, rated nc-17

Title: Platinum and Diamonds
Author: [info]tavia_d
Pairing: H/D
Word count: 5866
Rating: NC-17 for violence, scariness, adult sexual situations, non-con, abuse of a child, torture
Summary: I hope I can keep him safe, and help him recover and move on. I’m not delusional. I know he will never forget what he went through. That will mark both of us forever.
A/N: Sorry for the delay but my real life caught up with me. I hope "Part 2" will be up at the beginning of January.
Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter series, nor any of the characters from the books or moves. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.

Platinum and Diamonds
Chapter 1 - All Changed That Day
Chapter 2 - Images in a Pensieve
Chapter 3 - The Most Important Thing )

A/N: Please review.

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User: [info]ex_lothiriel154
Date: 2009-12-24 16:17
Subject: FIC: De Novo, Harry/Draco, NC-17
Security: Public
Tags:au, fic, rated nc-17

Title: De Novo
Author: [info]lothiriel (asfaloth_@LJ, lothiriel@DW)
Pairing: Draco/Harry
Rating/Warnings: NC-17, discussion of rape
Summary: Harry and Draco are given a crime to solve – and an opportunity to begin again. Originally written for the hds_beltane exchange.
Disclaimer: I lay no claim to JKR’s characters nor universe. I’m just playing with them until I grow up.

(De Novo)

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Slash Pervert posting in Slashing Harry Potter
User: [info]slashpervert
Date: 2009-04-17 02:53
Subject: NEW FIC: In the Dark - Chapter 1: First Night (Harry/vampire)
Security: Public
Tags:author: broken_anchor, author: slashpervert, content: horror, content: non-con, content: rimming, rated nc-17, title: in the dark

Title: In the Dark
Author: [info]slashpervert and [info]broken_anchor.
Betas:: [info]brknhalo241, [info]rivendellelf and Mini Mouse.
Fandom: Harry Potter
Rating: ADULT
Genre: Smut, Horror
Pairing: Harry/vampire
Length: 27,500 Words. (12 Chapters.)
Warnings (Mark to Read): Language, Explicit M/M Sex, Anal, Oral, Rimming, Bondage, Non-con, Dubious-Con, Blood, Addiction. Bottom!Harry.
Summary: Auror Harry Potter is investigating a murder when he is captured by a vampire intent on seducing him.
Notes: Post-DH, No Epilogue (EWE). Icon designed by [info]slashpervert based on THIS art by WolfenMoondaughter.
Disclaimer: This is a non-commercial work of fan fiction intended for adult audiences only. No copyright infringement intended. (Full Disclaimer!)

[This story is completely written. We will post one chapter every Friday until done.]

At Livejournal: Chapter 1

At Insanejournal: Chapter 1

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my journal
December 2012