Feb. 8th, 2015


"Best Case", Harry/Hermione, Harry/Draco, NC-17

Title: Best Case
Author: [info]lq_traintracks
Pairing(s): Harry/Hermione, Harry/Draco
Challenge: #252 – 'best case' at [info]harry100
Rating: NC-17
Length: 100x4
Warnings: open relationship, PWP, lift sex
Summary: Harry's got his work cut out for him: Hermione on the way up, Malfoy on the way down.
Notes: This is just what I do when my family is in the other room watching The Walking Dead and I've had a glass of wine and want to avoid schoolwork. \o/ Unbeta'd, so forgive me!

*harry100 mods, may I have an author tag, please? :-)

Mar. 30th, 2011


Prompts 2-7

Prompts 2-7: In our bedroom after the war
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Harry and Hermione, the gang
Challenge(optional): 2-7
Rating: PG to PG 13
Notes: Telling the story of post-war Harry and Hermione in 100 word chunks. Not chronological, but in order. Hope and healing, surprises. It's not over, it never really is. This mostly takes place in a verse that [info]ladybirdington and I are working on.

1-7 here


Challenge 1

Title: May 1999
Author/Artist: margauxdarling
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Harry and Hermione
Challenge(optional): 1. Hero
Rating: PG
Length(if fic): 100 words
Notes: Telling the story of post-war Harry and Hermione in 100 word chunks.

It's not like he has to go to class in the morning. )

Apr. 25th, 2010



Title: Sunset
Artist: [info]prayer_at_night
Pairing: Harry/Hermione
Challenge: #80 Past Prompt Combo
Rating: G
Media used: Copic markers
Warnings: Crappy sunset?
Notes: Like I promised (or threatened?), here is my second drawble for this week's challenge, using the prompts # 28, rare pairs, and # 6, sunset.
This is definitely not a "real" drawble; it actually took me a lot longer than 20 minutes, but I thought you'd all forgive me.^^
Also, I think the scanning somehow messed with the proportions; Hermione's face looks totally different on the original pic. Hmm.
And before you ask: yes, Harry/Hermione is a rare pair, for me at least. I only ever considered it when my mother told me a few days ago that she had always thought H+H would become a couple in the end of the books, and I was like Hey, I'll make a really kitschy Harry/Hermione pic for harry100! So yeah, definitely a rare pair.

Click for the fluff

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