Jul. 12th, 2010


Challenge Prompt 92

It's Monday again! Time for a new prompt. :D This week we'll turn to the other member of the trio and arguably Harry's closest friend besides Ron.

Challenge Prompt #92: Hermione Granger

Thanks to everyone who participated last week by reading, writing, and commenting!

For Challenge Prompt #91: Ronald Weasley
[info]alisanne wrote Making Up
[info]libbyness wrote Caught, or Shouldn't You Be In Herbology?

For Challenge Prompt #88: Shadow
[info]lilyseyes wrote Ultimate Consequences

See you next week. Have fun!

Jul. 5th, 2010


Ultimate Consequences

Title: Ultimate Consequences
Author: [info]lilyseyes
Characters: Harry Potter/Severus Snape
Challenge: [info]harry100 #88: Shadow
Rating: R
Length: 100x5
Warnings: *AU, chan – Harry is 14, Canon character death (not Harry or Snape), set during the Third Task of GOF*
Summary: Harry gets help practicing his spells before the Third Task.
The Erastes Series.
Disclaimer: JKR owns the Potterverse – I just play in it. No money is made from these amateur works.
Beta'd: [info]the_minz_17 *smooches*

Ultimate Consequences

Jun. 21st, 2010


Harry's Shadow

Title: Harry’s Shadow
Author: [info]fancypantsdylan
Pairing: Harry/Severus, Ginny
Word Count: 100
Warning(s): stalking
Rating: PG-13
Beta: [info]katiebell_0408
Disclaimer: All characters owned by JK Rowling, I just play with them. No profit made on use of characters.
Challenge: [info]harry100 Challenge Prompt 88 - Shadow

( Harry's Shadow )

Jun. 16th, 2010


A Working Plan

Title: A Working Plan
Author/Artist: [info]alisanne
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Severus Snape/Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Challenge: Written for [info]harry100's prompt #88: Shadow and for [info]draco100's prompt #97: Dungeon.
Rating: PG
Length: 100 x 2
Warnings: Threesome implied.
Summary: Everyone has a plan. What's great is when they all work.
Beta: [info]sevfan
Notes: Mmm, Drapery.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

A Working Plan

Jun. 14th, 2010


Challenge Prompt 88

Happy Monday! Time for a new prompt.

Challenge Prompt #88: Shadow

Thanks to everyone who participated in last week's prompt, "The Knight Bus". If you missed any entires, you can find them all here.

Have fun! :D

November 2022




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