May. 12th, 2009


Weekly Round-Up for Challenge Prompts #29-31

"Momentarily" turned out to be a couple hours later--sorry about that!

Challenge #29: St. Mungo's - Weekly Round-Up

Challenge #30: Lies - Weekly Round-Up

Challenge #31: Rain - Weekly Round-Up

Thanks to everyone who participated by reading, writing and commenting! Don't forget to check out our latest challenge here.

May. 9th, 2009


Swirling Thoughts

Title: Swirling Thoughts
Author: [info]lilyseyes
Characters: Harry Potter/Severus Snape
Challenge: #31: Rain
Rating: R/Adult
Length: 100x3
Warnings: *AU, pre-slash, Harry is 13, set during POA*
Summary: A stormy night is perfect for reflection.
Disclaimer: JKR owns the Potterverse – I just play in it. No money is made from these amateur works.

Swirling Thoughts

May. 7th, 2009


Taking Turns

Title: Taking Turns
Author: [info]alisanne
Characters/Pairing: Severus Snape/Harry Potter
Challenge: Written for [info]harry100's prompt #31: Rain, and for the wank of the week prompt #1: By any means.
Rating: R
Length: 100
Warnings: Wanking. Heh.
Summary: Harry likes the rain.
Beta: [info]sevfan
Notes: I'm hoping that the inclusion of wanking will satisfy the wank prompt. ;)
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Taking Turns

May. 4th, 2009


New Challenge Prompt and a Special Theme

In celebration of National Masturbation month, [info]torino10154 and I have decided to join forces and post "Wank of the Week" prompts to [info]harry100 and [info]draco100 throughout the month of May. You can write an H/D drabble and post to both communities or have the boys fly solo or with other characters. And of course drawbles are most entirely welcome!

We'll also be posting our regular prompts as alternates, but you could combine both of those prompts as well. How you use any of these prompts, as always, is up to you!

Without further ado, here's our first Wank of the Week prompt:

WoW Prompt #1: By Any Means

Muggle or magical toys, or any other kind of 'enhancements' you can think of! Go wild. ;)

And our regular prompt:

Challenge Prompt #31: Rain

If you have any questions, leave a comment here or shoot me an email: shellydkitty AT gmail DOT com

Thanks, and have fun!

November 2022




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