September 28th, 2008

[info]sdk in [info]harry100


Welcome to Harry100!
A community for drabbles and drawbles featuring the character, Harry Potter.

Membership: Anyone with an Insanejoural is welcome to join! There may be works posted of an adult nature here, and the authors and artists are not responsible for any underage viewing. Please mind the ratings and warnings when browsing.

Posting: Any and all drabbles and drawbles featuring the character of Harry Potter are welcome here. For the purposes of this community, drabbles are defined as exactly 100 words. Interconnected drabbles (a piece that is written in several blocks of 100 words, i.e. 100x3, 100x5, etc.) are also welcome. All ratings, genres, and pairings are welcome as long as Harry is featured in the piece. Please do not post anything here where Harry is only a minor character. If you have questions about whether or not your piece is appropriate, please email Shelly at shellydkitty [at] gmail [dot] com.

Please mark your pieces clearly with the appropriate rating and warning. If your piece is rated R or above, please use an lj-cut. Linking to your personal or fandom journal is fine.

Any piece longer than 100 words and all art should be under a cut as well. If you do not know how to code an lj-cut, please see this FAQ.

All Posts must be on-topic, which means no advertising of any kind without mod-approval.

Challenges: Each Monday a prompt will be posted as a challenge to all members of the community. All challenges are open indefinitely, so even if it's week 50, you can post a response to week 10's prompt, and so on.

Participation in challenges is encouraged, but not mandatory, and you do not have to respond to all challenges either.

The first challenge was posted on Monday, October 6th, 2008.

The Big Rule: The most important rule of this community is there will be no flaming/bashing/wanking(the bad kind) tolerated. If you do not like a pairing or genre in a piece, please skip it. Any member caught flaming will be given a warning and then banned after their next offense.

Posting Format: Please put the title, character(s) and/or pairing, and rating in the subject line of your post. Use the following template when posting your fic and/or art.

Please tag your entries with the challenge prompt (if appropriate), pairing or 'gen', and screen name. A tag will be created for your screen name after your first post, and if you need a pairing tag, let me know and we'll add that as well.

Special thanks to [info]torino10154 for offering to help with tagging and other modly things!


Contact a Mod: If you have any suggestions for [info]harry100, would like to affiliate, or need to contact a mod for any other reason, comment below or email Shelly at shellydkitty [at] gmail [dot] com.

If you have suggestions for future prompts, please comment here.

[info]sdk in [info]harry100

Prompt Suggestions

If you have any prompt suggestions for future challenges, please comment here! All replies are screened. Commenting here does not guarantee your prompt will be used. Any other comments/questions about harry100 go here.


[info]sdk in [info]harry100

Archive of Challenge Prompts

This post will feature a list of past challenges and links to their round-ups.

First Challenge began on October 6, 2008

November 2022



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