Nov. 2nd, 2009



Zachary Quinto icons that I discovered in a random folder. Candids and events. Includes a few with Chris Pine. 100x100, no borders.

Comment and credit, please!

35 behind the cut... )



I discovered an Isla Fisher folder on my computer. I completely forgot that I made these. Icons from random events and photoshoots. 100x100, no borders.

Comment and credit, please!

22 icons behind the cut... )

Sep. 20th, 2009


KRISTEN BELL - unrequested.

Kristen Bell icons that have been made over time. Includes candids, events and photoshoots. 100x100, no borders. Also, two bonus banners.

Comment and credit, please!

36 )

Aug. 11th, 2008


BRITTANY SNOW - unrequested

Brittany Snow icons that I've made over time. This will probably be the first batch of two so long as I can find the other folder I have somewhere. Includes candids, events and photoshoots. 100x100, no borders.

Comment and credit, please!

34 behind the cut! )

Jul. 15th, 2008




1. Before making a request, please check the TAGS first!
2. Please provide me with some kind of link! If you want a specific set of pictures iconed, please be sure that they are of decent quality and link me directly to them. If you don't need a specific set iconed, please feel free to just link me to a gallery!
3. Be patient! I do work a full time job and attempt to have a life. I will fill requests as soon as I possibly can.

    The following is a list of requests that need to be filled...




1. Although these icons may look like simple bases, they are not! So please do not claim these icons as your own. Credit [info]happyaccident in some way, shape or form.
2. Always right-click and save as. Do not hotlink.
3. Comments are love! Drop me a line to let me know if you're taking anything. Also, feel free to let me know what you think! Feedback of any kind will let me know what you're looking for so I can provide you with the very best!
4. As with any other community, please be kind to your fellow members. Do not bash anyone through comments. If you don't have something nice to say, just don't say anything at all.
5. REQUEST to your heart's content! I will fill requests as soon as I possibly can. It is much appreciated if you can provide a link to pictures that you'd like iconed or better yet, a gallery.
6. Membership is currently moderated. To join, click HERE to request membership and please comment this post! This let's me know that you've read and understand the rules.
7. Most importantly - have fun and spread the word!

samples of some of my icons can be found HERE!


If you'd like to be affiliates with [info]happyaccident, comment this post to let me know!