hitsuzen in creativity

Rave posting in Happenstance
User: [info]cheloya
Date: 2009-12-25 08:06
Subject: [WICKED] Fairy Stories; Elphaba/Glinda
Security: Public

Title: Fairy Stories
Fandom: Wicked
Character/s: Elphaba, Glinda
Words: 816
Notes: To the tune of 'locked out at night time' with a hint of Lurlinemas. Yes, this is the part where I dick around with other people's fairy myths. Merry Christmas, [info]teacupscientist! ♥ If it's even remotely in-character I will eat my metaphorical hat.

I do... I have it with me. But I'm not sure you want me to give it to you here. )

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November 2011