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Hallowed Times

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[May. 17th, 2013|10:02 am]

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Who: Zacharias and Susan
Where: Starting at the Hufflepuff Common Room, then onwards!
When: Backdated to Tuesday, just after Zacharias' post in his journal
Summary: Zacharias is being grumpy about being cut off again and Susan comes to the rescue?

Cake! )
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[Apr. 30th, 2013|05:30 pm]

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Who: Zacharias Smith and OPEN
Where: The Great Hall
When: Today, April 30, lunch
What: Someone couldn't be happier about how the year had gone, despite some bad things it was mostly good!
Warnings, Ratings: None really, depends on who jumps in!

It felt like he could die right now and die a happy man.. )
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[Mar. 29th, 2013|09:24 pm]

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Who: Hufflepuffs, Su Li...any other significant others of Hufflepuffs who would wind up at the Hufflepuff party!
What: 8th year Hufflepuff party
When: Tonight, Friday, March 29th, after anyone who's going home for the holidays has already gone
Rating: Slightly high because of alcohol?

This might be the last party he could have... )
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[Mar. 2nd, 2013|10:17 am]

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Who: Zacharias Smith and Su Li
Where: Starting at the Ravenclaw common room, then elsewhere!
When Today, Saturday March 2 about noon
Warnings: None!

It was his first date with a girl... )
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[Feb. 14th, 2013|09:46 pm]

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Who: Zacharias Smith and Su Li
Where: Starting at the lake, then who knows?
Summary: Su plans a surprise for their date
Rating: TBA

So what in the world could she have planned by the lake? )
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[Feb. 13th, 2013|01:11 pm]


Who: Zacharias Smith and open!
Summary: Thoughtful Zacharias is thoughtful about the future
Where: Hufflepuff common room
When: Wednesday, February 13, after classes some time

So what do I do after we leave Hogwarts )
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[Feb. 5th, 2013|10:11 pm]

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Who:Hermione and Zacharias Smith
What: Working on finalizing her January report
When: February 5
Where: Eighth year Common Room

After tucking the parchment into her satchel, Hermione leaned back, closed her eyes, and took a moment to simply relax. )
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[Jan. 29th, 2013|07:35 am]

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Who: Zacharias Smith and Damon Harper
Where: Quidditch pitch
When: early Tuesday morning, after he gets Justin's note
Summary: Angry Zacharias is angry and Damon does what he can to try to calm him down

His friends were stupid and so was everything else )
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[Jan. 26th, 2013|03:49 pm]

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Who: Zacharias Smith and Hannah Abbott
Where: Hufflepuff common room for starters
When: Saturday afternoon
Summary: Two friends meet and talk!

I'd pin you before you could smack me... )
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