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Hallowed Times

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[Aug. 23rd, 2013|10:39 pm]
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Who: Terry & Tony
When: Saturday
Where: Diagon Alley
Summary: Ravenclaw Bros reunited
Rating: Low

I'm late, I'm late for a very important date! )
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[Apr. 21st, 2013|08:33 pm]

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Who: Susan!Terry and Tony!Susan
When: April 20 - Saturday morning
Where: Kitchens
Summary: Susan!Terry trying to comfort a sobbing Tony!Susan.
Rating: TBD

... he just poked around out of curiosity. )
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[Mar. 4th, 2013|10:58 pm]

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Who: Melinda Bobbin & Terry Boot.
When: Monday evening, after dinner.
Where: The dungeons - a potions classroom.
Summary: Melinda begins tutoring in potions.
Rating: PG - I can't imagine it going higher than that.

A sweet smile, a compliment, and a promise to clean more cauldrons was all it took to take over a classroom for the evening... )
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[Feb. 22nd, 2013|11:05 pm]

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Who: Susan Bones and Terry Boot
When: Saturday, After the Match
Where: The Quidditch Pitch
Summary: One Friend celebrates while the other looses two galleons.
Rating: PG 13 for talking about Sex

She couldn't have asked for a more exciting game and she was happy that they had won. )
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[Feb. 16th, 2013|08:49 pm]

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Who: Terry Boot & Mandy Brocklehurst
When: February 16th, 3pm
Where: Madam Puddifoot's
Summary: The winning date with Terry Boot
Rating: Low, maybe?

Maybe this time, things were going to be different )
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[Jan. 26th, 2013|12:31 pm]

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Who: Lily Moon and OPEN
When: Saturday
Where: Outside grounds.
What: A smoke before dinner.
Rating: Low | Complete

Lily had run into her half-brother Rickon on her way out to have a smoke. )
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[Jan. 13th, 2013|10:45 pm]

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Who: Lesley Toddington and Terry Boot
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: Around the school grounds
Summary: It's one of the only times she can do detention with Filch, on a Sunday. Unnghhh.
Rating: TBD

Heartache mixed with cold weather was never a very good combination. )
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[Nov. 27th, 2012|01:08 pm]

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Who: Terry Boot & Mandy Brocklehurst
When: November 25th, mid-afternoon [backdated]
Where: Down by the lake
Summary: Terry asked Mandy to hang out to have a little picnic.
Rating: Low

Don't leave me tongue tied. )
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[Nov. 7th, 2012|08:54 am]

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Who: Terry Boot & Stephen Cornfoot
When: Tuesday evening
Where: Ravenclaw Tower
Summary: Terry and Stephen probably end up talking, the former badgering his friend about things!
Rating: G

He would have blown off studying for now if only he knew where his friends were )
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Halloween Event Thread 3 [Oct. 27th, 2012|01:54 am]

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Haunted House 1 and 2 and the Hedge Maze )
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[Oct. 21st, 2012|12:58 am]

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Who: Mandy Brocklehurst and OPEN
When: Sunday before lunch (late morning)
Where: Hogwarts Grounds//sitting under a tree
Summary: Mandy's doing some relaxing while the weekend is still here.
Rating: G to PG, I'm sure

sometimes people read for fun )
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[Oct. 8th, 2012|01:59 am]

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Who: Lesley Toddington and Terry Boot
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: On the stands at the Quidditch Pitch
Summary: Lesley reads and tries to get away from it all
Rating: Low

Despite the awkward position, Lesley actually felt more comfortable than she had in months. )
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