dem's some haggard ass icons

by emam and alexi!

6/9/09 04:15 am - [info]24601 - Simone Villas Boas

85 Simone Villas Boas + 3 banners )

6/9/09 04:12 am - [info]24601 - Simone Villas Boas

Mooooore Simone! I've been collecting pictures of her for ages, it just took me that long to get around to actually iconning said pictures. So check out more of the pretty Brazilian lady, SHE BE A HOT ONE.

100 Simone Villas Boas )

5/2/08 09:03 pm - [info]24601 - Simone Villas Boas

76 Simone Villas Boas, 2 banners )

5/2/08 08:55 pm - [info]24601 - Simone Villas Boas

100 Simone Villas Boas )

5/2/08 08:12 pm - [info]24601 - Simone Villas Boas

Moving these over from [info]lovesilence for the sake of having them all together, since I've made about 70 more since I posted her there. I've been iconning her for about a year now, and the girl is finally starting to smile and make expressions. I'm way too happy.

100 Simone Villas Boas )
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