dem's some haggard ass icons

by emam and alexi!

3/4/08 12:40 am - [info]sickcaticons - Kirsty Doyle

While [info]24601 was here, she taught me how to cap things. So, of course first up is more Kirsty Doyle icons. I love Kirsty, she's one of the best unknown red head pbs out there and really with faces like this I don't see why everyone don't use her.

80 Icons of Kirsty Doyle )

12/11/07 03:41 am - [info]sickcaticons - Kirsty Doyle

The winner of Season One of Project Catwalk. Why? Because she's cute and she's got red hair. That's really it. Plus, she's got a brilliant accent and says purple like phurphle. I'm slowly, slowly making more of these. Something like 12 episodes to get through screen capping takes ages.

44 Icons of Kirsty Doyle )
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