dem's some haggard ass icons

by emam and alexi!

7/7/09 04:28 am - [info]24601 - Juliana Imai

58 Juliana Imai )

7/7/09 04:28 am - [info]24601 - Juliana Imai

She's so preeeetty.

100 Juliana Imai )

6/9/09 04:15 am - [info]24601 - Simone Villas Boas

85 Simone Villas Boas + 3 banners )

6/9/09 04:12 am - [info]24601 - Simone Villas Boas

Mooooore Simone! I've been collecting pictures of her for ages, it just took me that long to get around to actually iconning said pictures. So check out more of the pretty Brazilian lady, SHE BE A HOT ONE.

100 Simone Villas Boas )

3/27/09 01:10 am - [info]24601 - Cristiano Mateus

I wish this post were bigger. )= Maybe some day.

23 Cristiano Mateus )

8/26/08 06:16 am - [info]24601 - Fabiola da Silva

Dude. She totally kicks ass.

58 Fabiola da Silva )

8/26/08 12:47 am - [info]24601 - Lincoln Ueda

Brazil: all ur skaters r belong 2 Alixz.

50 Lincoln Ueda )

8/20/08 04:55 am - [info]24601 - Sandro Dias

124 Sandro Dias )

8/6/08 05:33 am - [info]24601 - Bob Burnquist

Bob Burnquist is hot, in that gangly, geeky-yet-still-totally-more-hardxcore-than-you'll-ever-be kind of way. And that's the best kind of way.

39 Bob Burnquist )

7/23/08 11:53 pm - [info]24601 - Pablo Holman

Also for [info]wokandroll! I avoided pictures already iconned by [info]hikky (fooound here!), so I hope none of them are repeats! And you know, I know nothing about Kudai, but I'm kind of a sucker for snakebites. =\

55 Pablo Holman )

7/10/08 02:32 am - [info]24601 - Manny Puig

Every time I look at Manny Puig, I think of this guy I used to know. He was a Vietnam vet we called Mark the Mountain Man who refused to wear shoes or live indoors (walls made him nervous), so he lived in a tent strung up in the trees on my aunt and uncle's property. I'm sure there's a physical resemblance between the two, which is why Mark comes to mind when I see Manny. Because it's either that, or Manny's just weirder than we thought.

100 Manny Puig )

6/17/08 12:49 am - [info]24601 - Leo Jimenez

66 Leo Jimenez )

5/23/08 04:16 am - [info]24601 - John Leguizamo

I love this man. I really do.

56 John Leguizamo )

5/19/08 01:42 am - [info]24601 - Omahyra Mota

101 Omahyra Mota )

5/18/08 01:26 am - [info]24601 - Omahyra Mota

I was originally iconning Alek Wek, but I got distracted by her. There's just something so awesomely bad ass about her. I have like 100 more of her saved, my computer is just fighting with me to let me open them, so here's what I have for now.

100 Omahyra Mota )

5/2/08 09:03 pm - [info]24601 - Simone Villas Boas

76 Simone Villas Boas, 2 banners )

5/2/08 08:55 pm - [info]24601 - Simone Villas Boas

100 Simone Villas Boas )

5/2/08 08:12 pm - [info]24601 - Simone Villas Boas

Moving these over from [info]lovesilence for the sake of having them all together, since I've made about 70 more since I posted her there. I've been iconning her for about a year now, and the girl is finally starting to smile and make expressions. I'm way too happy.

100 Simone Villas Boas )

4/28/08 12:11 am - [info]24601 - Belinda Peregrín

[info]marieantoinette linked me to this girl. She's a Latin singer, born in Madrid but moved to Mexico at a young enough age that I can claim her for Mexico for the secondary on [info]icontheworld.

88 Belinda Peregrín, 1 banner )

4/27/08 11:54 pm - [info]24601 - Jimmy Jean-Louis

There you are Kingsley Shacklebolt. What were you doing hiding out in Heroes?

86 Jimmy Jean-Louis, 2 banners )
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