dem's some haggard ass icons

by emam and alexi!

2/3/09 10:05 pm - [info]24601 - Dovile Virsilaite

80 Dovile Virsilaite + 3 banners )

2/3/09 10:03 pm - [info]24601 - Dovile Virsilaite

100 Dovile Virsilaite )

2/3/09 10:01 pm - [info]24601 - Dovile Virsilaite

100 Dovile Virsilaite )

2/3/09 09:48 pm - [info]24601 - Dovile Virsilaite

This is my first post made, uploaded, and posted at home with my new highspeed internet. And it's fantastic.

Anyways, I love her chin. It's so awesome and square and in the right light she looks like Pania Rose, and in other right lights, she looks like Melanie Laurent. Then she turns her head and she has the most adorable nose and she looks back and she has this fantastic bitch face. And she's Lithuanian! I think I'm in love!

Also, there's a lot more than I expected. Sorry. I blame The Fashion Spot.

100 Dovile Virsilaite )
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