dem's some haggard ass icons

September 25th, 2009

05:20 am - [info]24601 - James Urbaniak

So, in my time as an icon maker, I've had two icon subjects find me. Well, actually, one subject, one subject's girlfriend (who, by the way, was a total bitch about it, but I guess they can't all be as awesome as Suri). Anyways, those people weren't really celebrities, just people with awesome faces. But James Urbaniak seems like the one actual celebrity who would not only find me and these icons, but (hopefully) be cool about it. And that's reason #298 on my Reasons Why James Urbaniak is Awesome list.

Also! Resemblance time! He looks like RPattz in A Bad Mother's Handbook, who, in turn, kind of resembles Johnny Depp in Secret Window.

100 James Urbaniak )

05:24 am - [info]24601 - James Urbaniak

77 James Urbaniak )
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