dem's some haggard ass icons

December 16th, 2007

01:19 am - [info]24601 - Dave England

Okay, so I love Dave England because I love all my Jackass boys, but there's one thing I especially love about Dave. The man has got some gorgeous as frick eyes. Like for serious.

More Dave England can be found here!

92 Dave England )

04:46 am - [info]sickcaticons - Anja Rubik

Ok, so following in my line of blonde models, I've got Anja Rubik which I was highly surprised less people actually had icons of her already made. So, I made my own. There are a lot here and more to come.

100 Icons of Anja Rubik )

04:58 am - [info]sickcaticons - Lily Allen

Um, she's adorable. That's really all that needs to be said about Lily.
61 Icons of Lily Allen )

08:48 am - [info]24601 - Ardal O'Hanlon

Father Ted icons! Or at least Father Dougal. Because he's freaking adorable, man.

92 Ardal O'Hanlon )

10:49 pm - [info]sickcaticons - Chiaki Kuriyama

Chiaki Kuriyama, Go Go from Kill Bill and someone that has the most trippy commericals for, I think, some aloe something or other. Anyway, one of the few Asians I have iconed, but hurray.
74 Icons of Chiaki Kuriyama )

10:59 pm - [info]sickcaticons - Emilie Autumn

Emilie Autumn is a brilliant, brilliant violinist and well her songs are just more brilliant. More so than I think I could ever say. Plus, she updates with things like 'crumpets', so of course I had to icon her. I blame Cheryl for these actually, she got me hooked.

116 Icons of Emilie Autumn )
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