May. 25th, 2009


Darkfic Exchange Unveiling

The Darkfic Exchange is now officially over. Yayzors! Coming in June we're going to have a Darkfic Scavenger Hunt, so you don't need to write anything. I can use the rest after doing 11 out of 13 fics for the Exchange. Doh!

Now on with the unveiling... )

May. 2nd, 2009


Darkfic Exchange Fic

Title: Untitled Gift #2
Written for: [info]omnicat
Rating: FRT, as per the FR Rating System
Warnings: Like all my fics, read at your own risk
Gift #2: Something exploring Relena's feelings about/relationship with Zechs, her birth family, or her adopted family.

A Gift for omnicat )

Apr. 25th, 2009


Darkfic Exchange Fic

In case you weren't aware, and you were, the mirror site on LJ is running a darkfic exchange. So without further ado...

Title: Untitled
Written for: [info]motley_sis
Rating: FRT, as per the FR Rating System
Warnings: Like all my fics, read at your own risk
Gift #12: Wufei-centric. Either Wufei angsting alone, or in grim interaction with Sally -or- any of the rich boys (Quatre, Mil, Treize). Please include: Chinese finger cuffs; car window; paint.

A gift for motley_sis )