Nov. 24th, 2007


Keeping Warm in the Darkness

Title: Keeping Warm in the Darkness
Character : Treize & Zechs
Challenge: Power failure
Team: Oz
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100

“The power’s out in our sector,” Treize said as he stared out the window.

Zechs tossed a log into the fire and warmed his hands. “That means the doors are sealed. Until the generators kick in, not even the release mechanism will work.”

“You’ll spend the night of course.”

“I’ll take the couch,” Zechs said.

“That is a divan, not a couch, Milliardo.”

“Fine, I’ll sleep on the divan.”

“Nonsense. You’re too tall. You’ll share my bed.”

“That’s a bit forward,” Zechs commented.

“You have no idea,” Treize murmured. He gave the order to shut off the power after all.

Nov. 22nd, 2007


Fixing the fuses

Team: Gundams
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Power failure

*bump* “Ow!” shuffle, *bump* “Damnit!” shuffle, *thud* “Shit!”
“You OK?”
“’Course I’m not okay, idiot. You think I’m making these noises for fun!?”
“I’ll go...”
“You don’t know where it is... OW!”
“You don’t know what to do once you get there.” came the reasonable reply.
An ominous silence filled the blackness. Wufei winced - he’d said the wrong thing again.
“Because I’m a woman, I’ve never seen a fusebox?” came a deceptively quiet voice.
“It’s not that...” he backpedalled, too late.
“Leave. Come back when you find a non-chauvanistic brain cell,” Sally’s Voice of Doom finished the night... again.

Nov. 19th, 2007


Prompt #23

We have a tie this week!!  The Gundams, White Fang, and OZ brought out the bloodhounds to sniff out the winner’s circle.  They all tied at 10 points each.


This week’s prompt is #23 – Power Failure


Dead batteries, tripped fuses, caffeine crash – there are so many reasons to have a power failure.


Does Duo have issues installing the new software and instead blows the circuits?  Quatre have problems getting Sandrock started?  Heero just can’t get going without that cup of java?  Did Zechs get stranded during a weather related outage?  Treize forget to pay his electric bill?


Whatever the situation, cut the power in just 100 words.

January 2010





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