Oct. 28th, 2008


Purple Hair

Title: Purple Hair
Characters/Pairings: None
Rating/Type: PG (Duo cross dressing reasons)
Team: Gundams
Word Count: 100
Series: Post Series, Gundam 00
Author's Notes: Slight cross over with Gundam 00. Thought it would be amusing since 00 is the new version of Gundam Wing.

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Feb. 4th, 2008


Title: Reality
Characters: Quatre
Challenge: Nightmare
Team: Gundams
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Note: Also done for [info]prompt_100, propmt believe.

The world was coming a part at the seams. The Gundams were no longer supported by the colonies, and the Earth was allowing the colonies to arm themselves. His father was dead and Quatre was sure all of his sisters now hated him.

He didn’t know even if he could believe in any of the other pilots, let alone himself. There was nothing left to believe in. Only that society was a nightmare, and only he knew it..

So he would show them all, the nightmare by becoming one himself.

He looked to Wing Zero.

They should show them all.

Sep. 25th, 2007


Freeze Frame

Title: Freeze Frame
Characters/Pairings: Trowa/Quatre
Team: Gundams!
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: Most productive thing I did all comp sci lecture....

“GET OUT! GET OUT!” he screamed as he threw the photograph at the door and Trowa’s retreating form.

Glass shattered against the door as it was shut for good and Quatre feel to the ground in sobs. He crawled on the floor and picked through the glass staring at the photo. Quatre held in those strong arms of Trowa, smiling both at the camera without a care in the world.

He wanted to go back to that moment, when they where both happy and not constantly yelling at each other. He wanted to just freeze time like in that photograph.

Aug. 18th, 2007


Wufei's Dirty Secret

Title: Wufei's Dirty Secret
Characters/Pairings: Wufei, Duo
Rating: G
Team: Gundams
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: Inspired by Dee, at my picnic.

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January 2010





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