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Jan. 5th, 2010


Prompt 90: Memories

Happy New Year everyone!

No points were awarded for the last challenge.

The next prompt is Memory. When a new year comes, everyone looks at the past. Does Zechs regret anything he has done? Do the mad scientists look at the past with fondness? Whatever the memory, write about it in 100 words!

Dec. 14th, 2009


Prompt 89: Ice

No points were awarded for the last challenge.

The next prompt is ICE. Does a mission in Siberia become problematic because of the icy terrain? Is there a shortage of ice in the deserts with the Maguanacs? Is Heero's heart actually made of ice? Whatever is frozen, write about it in 100 words!

Dec. 9th, 2009


New Prompts Starting Next Monday

As you may have noticed, there have been no new prompts since the end of September. Due to wierd life situations and school, I have not been able to post and for this I apologize. The good news is, prompts will start again on next Monday DECEMBER 14. Be excited!

Sep. 23rd, 2009


Ptompt 88: Ending

No points were awarded for the last challenge.

The next prompt is ENDING. All things must end. What happens when the first gundam pilot dies? How does Relena react the next time peace is broken? Whatever the finish, write about ending in 100 words!

Sep. 10th, 2009


Prompt 88: Together

No points were awarded for the last challenge.

The next prompt is TOGETHER. War brings people together in very strange ways. Do Wufei and Quatre meet for lunch every so often after the war is over? Does Heero attend Trowa's circus shows? Have Relena and Duo ever gone on vacation together? Whatever the event, write about togetherness in 100 words!

Aug. 25th, 2009


Prompt 87: Moving On

The Gundams have won the last challenge with 10 points!

The next prompt is MOVING ON. How does Quatre deal with the transition from terrorist to CEO? Does Heero ever run into an issue when leaving behind another school? However they start something new (or don't), write about it in 100 words!

Aug. 23rd, 2009


After work

Challenge: Relena Peacecraft
Team: Gundams
Rating: G
Word Count: 100

Clothes and hair perfected, Relena strode through the palace, not looking to either side, not acknowledging the alarmed glances from the staff.
Silently thanking Trowa for the lessons, she pulled her motorcycle helmet on and roared from the garages, slowing only slightly for gate security before pulling out to blend with the evening traffic.
Sally and Hilde were already settled in the dingy bar when a dark-haired girl in biker-boots joined them.
“Good day?” asked Sally.
“Well the foreign minister of Somalia won’t be bribing anyone else in Sanq in the near future,” Relena smiled, as they raised their glasses.

Aug. 10th, 2009


Prompt 86: Relena Peacecraft

No points were awarded for he last challenge.

The next prompt is Relena Peacecraft. She's one girl with an obsession with suicidal gundam pilots and a desire to create peace! What does she do when there is no Heero around? Does she have maids following here everywhere when she's queen of the world? Is she really a terrorist in disguise! Whatever the aspect, write about Relena in 100 words!

Jul. 28th, 2009


Prompt 85: Treize Khusrenada

No points were awarded for the last challenge.

The next prompt is TRIEZE KHUSHRENADA. If you've ever wanted to write about him, go ahead! What tender moments does he share with Lady Une. How does he react when one of his soldiers challenges him. Whatever the scenerio, write about Treize in 100 words!

Jul. 13th, 2009


Prompt 84: Play

The Gundams have won the last challenge with 10 points!

The next prompt is PLAY. Even while there is war, people have to play sometime. Do Quatre and Duo go swimming while hiding in the desert? Do Treize and Zechs go see a show? Whatever the pleasure, write about it in 100 words?

Jul. 5th, 2009


The Best Medicine

Challenge: Healing
Team: Gundams
Rating: G
Word Count: 100

The third time Trowa opened his eyes, he managed to tear them away from the stupid, glaring lightbulb above him, and looked around. White. Sterile. Bleeping machines around his bed. Not good.

He couldn’t feel much below his waist. Really not good.

It all came back to him then in a flash - the hidden assassin, his own leap to stop the bullet, the blinding pain.

He realised somebody was holding his hand, and he laboriously turned his head that way. Quatre’s worried-looking face swam into view. “Trowa? You awake? Thank Allah!”

And suddenly Trowa couldn’t do anything but smile.

Jun. 17th, 2009


Prompt 83 : Author's Choice

The Gundams have won the last challenge with 10 points!

For the next challenge, it's your choice! Any past prompt is fair game. In addition, the next prompt will not be posted until July 13. This gives you just under a month to write drabbles to your hearts content! Write about anything under the sun in 100 words!

Note: When you post, use the tag for whatever prompt you are using.

Jun. 9th, 2009


Grief Tourists and Prayers

Title: Grief Tourists and Prayers
Characters/Pairings: Duo
Team: Gundams
Word Count: 100
Series: Episode Zero

The third busload of those idiot gawpers with ‘mourning sickness’—grief tourists, they are satirically called—trudges around the rubble of Maxwell Church, weeping and black-clad, as if they know someone involved in the tragedy…

As if they care.

He cusses, wondering how he is going to stop this routinary bullshitry without losing his mind.

“Okay,” he says decidedly, locking his fingers together. “Don’t get me wrong, please. I’ll do this because it’ll make Sister Helen happy. Just stop this nonsense, let Sister and Father… rest in peace. After that, you’re going to be nonexistent in my life again… 




Title: Dysphoria
Characters/Pairings: Quatre, Trowa
Team: Gundams
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: first time posting. :P

The cacophony of their howls rises to a maddening crescendo: they are crying, screaming—annihilating the remains of his supposedly restored sanity as he curls on the cold cell floor. The afterglows of fiery shots from his cannon burn his eyes, and they ooze out as tears. He squints when the tears dribble into the microgravity of the prison: they sparkle like stars.

He lifts his cuffed hands and prays that somehow, somewhere, Trowa can still feel the warmth of the stars.

Zero laughs at his prayer, and the strangled choir of the people he murdered sings their dirge again.

Jun. 2nd, 2009


Prompt 82: Lesser Evil

No points were awarded for the last challenge.

The next prompt is LESSER EVIL. In war times come when tough choices have to be made and there is no good way out. Who does Quatre choose to save when civilians get caught up in a mobile suit fight? What does Duo do when there is not enough food for himself and the other orphans? Whatever decision is to be made, write about it in 100 words!

May. 20th, 2009


Prompt 81: Distance

The Gundams won the last challenge with 10 points!

The next prompt is distance. Does keeping some distance between each other make Heero and Relena appreciate each other more? Does Duo get uneasy when he is far away from those he cares about? Whatever the seperation, write about it in 100 words!

May. 6th, 2009


Letting Go

Challenge: Learn
Team: Gundams
Rating: G
Word Count: 100

Sister Helen was exhasperated by us orphans, when we kept all our belongings clutched tight under the covers of our beds while we slept. I think Father got it, though. He’d lay a hand on her arm, and say quietly, “They’ll learn.”

Of course back then, there’d never been enough time to learn that sometimes, it was okay to let the stuff you treasured loose - that it wouldn’t necessarily disappear or be stolen if you let go.

It wasn’t till years after the war - till Heero came back to me - that the lesson finally, completely sank in.

May. 5th, 2009


Prompt 80: Learn

Once again, sory for the delay. (finals sucks)

No points were awarded for the last challenge.

The next prompt is LEARN. Does Wufei still learn new things every time he enrolls in a new school for a mission? Can Heero learn to accept a peaceful life? Will Quatre ever learn that he doesn't have to be responsible for everything? Whatever the lesson, write it in 100 words!

Apr. 22nd, 2009


Prompt 79: Healing

Sorry for the delay (again). And thank you to everyone who commented last week.

The gundams won the last challenge with 10 points!

The next challenge is HEALING. War leaves many wounds to fix, physical and emotional. What damage to Heero's body remains after self destructing? How does Quatre cope with the knowledge that he is a murderer? Whatever the wound, heal it in 100 words!

Apr. 14th, 2009



Title: Secret
Challenge: Hidden
Team: Gundams
Rating: G
Word Count: 100

Wufei keeps a lock of Meiran’s hair. She’d smirked, and then laughed at him the day he’d asked for it, but took the scissors anyway and cut it herself.

It’s split into 3 thin tails. Each one is in a pale blue silk purse and then sewn inside the waistband of his white pants.

Sometimes, while practicing his katas, or even in the middle of a battle, he accidentally touches the small bulge there, and his heart will clench, or skip a beat.

It’s probably not a good idea, but he’s content to still have part of her with him.

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January 2010





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