roozetter ([info]roozetter) wrote in [info]greykitty_fic on September 12th, 2013 at 10:47 am
Gahhhhhhh! How do you not write Dark!Harry FOR ALWAYS, bb?!

This is amazing! I hope you received my incomprehensible email declaring my love to you. I was so sad I wasn't at a computer I actually started trying to figure out how to comment on my phone, but it's BRAND NEW and I am NOT technologically savvy and it became so much effort and you know how I feel about #effort, so I emailed you instead. Because I'm a problem solver. ;)

George is perfect here. OMG. This is so how I had him in my brain, you can't even know. And Harry is so delicious and twisted and sexydark and just yes. The way you packed an entire history between them in so few words just boggles me.

But George having blood on his hands and Harry - "Admit it, you like me better like this." Yes, just yes. A thousand times yes.

This is fantastic. Thank you so much for writing me this, bb!!!

<333 #allthelove
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