쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang ([info]sdk) wrote in [info]greykitty_fic on July 17th, 2010 at 03:51 pm
AWZ: Letting Go (Marc/Roman, Deniz/Roman; G; Ficlet)
Title: Letting Go
Author: [info]sdk
Fandom: Alles was zählt
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Marc/Roman, Deniz/Roman
Rating: G
Genre: Angst
Length/Word Count: Ficlet, ~230 words
Warnings: Spoilers for ep968
Notes: IDK. I scribbled this last night when I woke up from a dead sleep and Marc wouldn't shut up. But I love him, so I listened. <3 I took some liberties with the bits of canon dialogue I used--just for flow. I believe the meaning is intact. ;)

No one looked over this before posting, so please forgive and point out any typos and/or errors.
Disclaimer: The following is based on fictional characters that I don't own doing fictional things in a fictional world that I didn't create. No copyright infringement intended, no money's being made.

Letting Go

"I didn't make a choice. Deniz did."

Roman needn't have said those words aloud. He brings them to bed with him every night. They linger in his touch, flavor his lips with each kiss, rest on Marc's chest when Roman curls into his embrace.

The words echo through Marc's head whenever he's alone--when no one else can see them reflected behind his eyes.

Second choice, they say.

Marc pretends it doesn't matter. Second choice is better than no choice at all.

And one day, Roman will let those words go.


Marc's bags are packed. Goodbyes are said and done. The taxi rumbles down the street, and Deniz appears.

Marc wants to hate him. This boy--this man--who greedily holds onto Roman's heart so no other can have it.

But that isn't true, is it? Roman never wanted his heart back in the first place.

"He still loves you."

It's all Marc can do to make it to the taxi with his mask in place. He needn't look out the window; he knows what he'll see. The same longing he glimpses in the mirror every morning will echo on Roman's face.

Just not for him.

He still loves you.

Marc pretends it doesn't matter. Pretends the words hold no meaning for him.

And one day, he'll let them go.


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