08 February 2009 @ 12:02 am
Merlin: Whatever You Say, My Lord (Arthur/Merlin, R, Ficlet)  
Title: Whatever You Say, My Lord
Author: [info]sdk
Fandom: Merlin
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Arthur/Merlin
Rating: R
Genre: Naughty and Silly
Length/Word Count: Ficlet, 272 words
Warnings: None
Summary: Merlin talks too much.
Notes: I blame [info]lilithilien and also Merlin's complete fangirling of Lancelot in 1X05. This is a missing scene from that episode. No one looked over this before posting, so please forgive and point out any typos/errors. Thanks!
Disclaimer: The following is based on fictional characters that I don't own doing fictional things in a fictional world that I didn't create. No copyright infringement intended, no money's being made.

Whatever You Say, My Lord

Arthur's legs flop open as Merlin takes him in hand with steady fingers, his touch a far cry from when he fumbles with Arthur's clothing. Arthur's never known a servant to be so completely hopeless with the simple act of dressing his sire, but here, he's different. Confident. Perhaps too confident, Arthur thinks. Indeed Merlin knows exactly the way Arthur likes to be stroked, his oiled fist like heated silk bound tightly around Arthur's shaft, and there's those long fingers slipping over his balls, tugging with precision.

Arthur would be enjoying himself if only Merlin would keep his mouth closed.

"You'll give him a chance, won't you?"


"Lancelot." Merlin's pace doesn't falter even as his eyes take on a dreamy haze. Arthur's stomach clenches, but it doesn't stave off the heat coiling in his centre, and he knows he's close. As if reading his mind, Merlin speeds up, but Arthur will be damned if he's going to come while Merlin goes on about some wannabe knight.

"He's brilliant, you'll see."

"Merlin," Arthur hisses through clenched teeth. "Do shut up."

Merlin lips turn to that goofy smile that Arthur loathes as much as Merlin's ridiculous ears, but before he can command his servant to stop smirking, he's coming and it takes all his energy to keep a moan from his lips.

That doesn't stop a hint of satisfaction from creeping into Merlin's smile.

"From now on, no more talking about this…Lancelot," Arthur says once he's caught his breath.

Merlin's smile grows, and there's something unreadable in his eyes, but whatever it is, Arthur's certain he doesn't approve.

"Whatever you say, my Lord."


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Lilith: merlin-dirty idea[info]lilithilien on February 7th, 2009 11:51 pm (UTC)
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!!!!!! You wrote Merlin fic!!!!

And that was AWESOME! Yes, oh yes, this definitely happened -- there has to be some explanation for how Merlin arranged Lancelot's try-out. And why Arthur really didn't want to be impressed by Merlin's new mancrush (of course he secretly was, and then they became bffs, and broke Arthur's heart and and and!!!).

*is all giddybouncy over this*
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쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang: merlin - arthur/merlin[info]sdk on February 8th, 2009 12:06 am (UTC)
I blame you, totally and completely! I haven't even finished the series *facepalm* but as soon as Lancelot showed up, I was like "I need jealous!Arthur fic now, pls!" And Merlin's "Oh, I know Arthur" at the beginning--I died. The show just begs for this.

Thank you! XD I'm so glad you liked it!
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Lilith: merlin-subtext[info]lilithilien on February 8th, 2009 12:18 am (UTC)
And yet you already have icons. *glees*

I KNOW! And you're like "yeah, you know Arthur, uh huh." And then there's the "so are you and Gwen..." "no, she's just my beard" conversation they have. And then there's the whole Will & Gracing thing where you're just dying to have Gwen turn that "so which one, Arthur or Lancelot" question back to Merlin... I have so much love for this show, I can't even tell you! Or wait, I have told you. Repeatedly. Never mind me!

Dude, you totally need to link to this post at merlinxarthur. Do it!!
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쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang: merlin - arthur makes funny faces[info]sdk on February 8th, 2009 01:31 am (UTC)
Only two icons! And I didn't make them myself! I'm not so far gone yet... ;) (Though I was asking Aldi a grammar question on AIM and told her I was writing Merlin fic, but that it was fine, and it was just one thing I had to write and she goes, "Uh huh, that's how Lil started". BTW, she needs to watch this show. We should harrass--I'm still only on 1X07 so she has time to catch up to me!)

Oh yes, the Will & Grace moment cracked me up! Yeah, Merlin, you just want to talk about how cute Arthur is, you know it!

Thanks! I was unsure where to crosspost--well, I hadn't actually checked around yet, and I didn't think there were any Merlin communities here on IJ.
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Lilith: merlin-girls[info]lilithilien on February 8th, 2009 02:13 am (UTC)
BTW, she needs to watch this show. We should harrass

I tried to tempt her with vids, including Morgana/Gwen loveliness. Perhaps our combined efforts can sway here. We should definitely give it our best shot!

I'm still only on 1X07

Have you seen 1x07 yet? Because I don't want to spoil it for you; all I'll say is that at first I thought it was kind of a throwaway episode, but the more I think about it, the darker and creepier and just all around cool I think it is. (And I won't say any more here, but I do hope you enjoy it!)

I saw you posted to mxa! Awesome! Yeah, there aren't any asylums over here, but that's okay -- mxa is a great one, and you should also join bbc_merlin_news which is a round up of all the Merlin fics/art/etc. And face_of_bradley because it will make you smile.

That is all.
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쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang: hp - slytherin impress me[info]sdk on February 8th, 2009 02:32 am (UTC)
I'm fifteen minutes into 1X07 so yes, don't spoil me! But I should finish watching it tonight (err more like this morning--I think I've completely flipped my sleeping schedule). And then we can discuss. XD I have to say, I think my favorite so far is the Lancelot episode. (I hope he comes back! Don't tell me if he does or doesn't!) I really want some yummy Merlin/Lancelot, Arthur/Lancelot, Merlin/Lancelot/Arthur, too. ...Now I'm distracted.

Anyway! Yes, thank you for the pointers! It's always helpful having a guide to a new fandom. Especially as I know that Merlin is already very big.

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Lilith: merlin-knackered[info]lilithilien on February 8th, 2009 03:38 am (UTC)
YES! I am all about the pile. I also want the girls to join in and for Nimueh to watch the whole thing through her bowl. That would be awesome!

I think I've completely flipped my sleeping schedule

Tell me about it! I went to bed at 6 this morning and got up at 1.
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Aldi: Deniz is sceptical[info]aldiara on February 8th, 2009 06:40 am (UTC)
BTW, she needs to watch this show. We should harrass.

LOL, well I'm a one-track-mind/one-fandom kinda gal :p But you could always make it a bathtub mission or something ;)

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쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang: vl - christian/olli relaxin in bathtub[info]sdk on February 8th, 2009 02:32 pm (UTC)
You caught me! XD Yes, we did try the bathtub times (actually that's when I first watched it with Lil) but both you and Johnny skipped out on us. :P But I totally wouldn't mind rewatching the first few episodes if we want to give it a try during the next soak. Regardless, we need a new soak ASAP!
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Aldi: Olli haz a fishie[info]aldiara on February 8th, 2009 02:43 pm (UTC)
Oh, I'd forgotten you'd done that already! Nah, in that case we should watch something that 50% of us haven't seen already. I'll get to Merlin eventually, it's not like you lot will stop pestering me, lol!

SOAK MUST BE HAD! *stocks up on bath salts and mimosas*
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(Anonymous) on February 8th, 2009 02:13 am (UTC)
Wandered over from LJ
"...whatever it is, Arthur's certain he doesn't approve."
lol I love that line~! Very cute story~

-issahime @ LJ
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쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang: merlin - arthur makes funny faces[info]sdk on February 8th, 2009 02:37 am (UTC)
Re: Wandered over from LJ
Thank you! I'm glad you liked. :D
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[info]sarcastic_jo on February 8th, 2009 02:18 am (UTC)

welcome to the fandom that will never, ever let you leave.

honest. look at what it's done to poor lilith. ;)

love this! just the right amount of arthur being confused by merlin yet demanding and confident all the same. and you know that's what went on when the cameras were off ....
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쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang: buffy - faith heart[info]sdk on February 8th, 2009 02:37 am (UTC)
Oh no! Am I stuck forever now? I only meant to write one little ficlet...

Yes, I remember Lilith bragging that she didn't have to write Merlin fic because she was making you write everything she wanted to read, so she could just sit back and enjoy. *g* Now I've not even been able to keep up with her Merlin fic because I want to finish the series first and I've got to hurry up and do it or else I'm going to be so very far behind!

(Sorry, I am extra babbly at the moment--this happens a lot.)

Thank you! It's certainly part of my personal canon now. ;)
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Aldi: Gregor is made of awesome[info]aldiara on February 8th, 2009 06:43 am (UTC)
Oh, yum! Snarky porn, just what I need at 2 AM :D Lovely!

Arthur will be damned if he's going to come while Merlin goes on about some wannabe knight.

This made me snorfle.
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쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang: vl - judith writes dero[info]sdk on February 8th, 2009 02:30 pm (UTC)
Hee! I'm so glad you enjoyed. And thanks again for listening to me babble last night. ;)
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zephre: merlin approves[info]zephre on February 9th, 2009 04:20 pm (UTC)
oh, I am full of squee. :)

and despair because, dude, unlike getting British editions of books, we *never* get full versions of shows. Even the DVDs are often expurgated. Damn you, Regional Encoding!

- starts shopping for multi-Region DVD players or something...
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쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang: merlin - arthur/merlin[info]sdk on February 9th, 2009 04:57 pm (UTC)
Thank you! :D

Grr, I know! It's so frustrating. :/
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traintracks[info]train_tracks on November 3rd, 2012 02:09 am (UTC)
Oh my great goodness this is awesome! I've seen maybe ten Merlins. Enough to know the dynamic and the tone of the show and the inherent slashiness.

This is exquisite, my dear: "Indeed Merlin knows exactly the way Arthur likes to be stroked, his oiled fist like heated silk bound tightly around Arthur's shaft, and there's those long fingers slipping over his balls, tugging with precision."


And I loooooove manipulative Merlin and how you showed him to us but that Arthur, poor hard and ready and entitled Arthur, doesn't get it.

Brilliant. :-DD

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쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang[info]sdk on November 10th, 2012 02:07 am (UTC)
Thank you!!! :D I only stuck around for one season of Merlin and this was my only foray into that fandom, but I've always been fond of this little ficlet so I'm so happy you liked it. :DDD <3
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traintracks[info]train_tracks on November 10th, 2012 02:31 am (UTC)
LOL! I, uh, wrote one lonely Merlin fic, too. I'll send it to you in a PM, because it's under an old pseudonym and you know how I am with those.

Feel no obligation to read it! I don't even remember if it's good. ;-)
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