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"Bitch," Narcissa/Tonks, NC-17 [07 Feb 2008|10:57pm]

Title: Bitch
Author: [info]kethlenda
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Narcissa/Tonks with voyeur!Lucius, implied past Remus/Tonks and Remus/Tonks/Sirius
Warnings: AU, non-con, incest, dirty talk, name-calling, mention of a canon character death
Word Count: 1000
Notes: This is dedicated to [info]violet_quill, and I'll explain why later. ♥

Bitch )
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"All the Violet Tiaras," Ginny/Luna, NC-17 [22 Jan 2008|08:44am]

Title: All the Violet Tiaras
Author: [info]green_amber
Rating: NC-17
Warning: teen!sex
Length: 2200 words
Pairing(s): Ginny/Luna, unrequited Ginny/Fleur, plus mentions of Ginny/Dean, Ginny/Harry, and Bill/Fleur
Summary: Luna doesn’t know it’s a secret, not at first.
Note: Written for [info]redshoeson, who asked for unrequited emotions, sleeping with one person in place of someone else, sekrit!sex, and post-OOTP, at [info]fem_exchange. For the title, I blame [info]bloodrebel333 who happened to quote Sappho in a post at just the right time. I've made a few minor edits.

All the Violet Tiaras )
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Fic: "The Claiming of (and by) Sleeping Beauty," Tonks/Narcissa, NC-17 [06 Jan 2008|07:55pm]

Title: The Claiming of (and by) Sleeping Beauty
Author: [info]green_amber
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: 3391
Pairings/characters: Tonks/Narcissa, implied Lucius/Severus, implied Everyone in the Black Family/Everyone Else in the Black Family
Summary: In the aftermath of the war, Narcissa and Andromeda come to a truce, which leads to unexpected feelings between Narcissa and Tonks.
Warnings: incest, spanking, AU
Author's notes: Written for [info]misfit_ragdoll at [info]harry_holidays 2007.

This fic is an AU. There are two significant differences between this reality and the one in Deathly Hallows. The first difference is that, in this story, Remus and Tonks never married or had a child. The second difference will become clear in the first scene.

The Claiming of (and by) Sleeping Beauty )
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Fic: "Turn to Me With Frozen Lips," Luna/Dean, NC-17 [06 Jan 2008|07:49pm]

Title: Turn to Me With Frozen Lips
Author/Artist: [info]green_amber
Pairing(s): Dean/Luna
Summary: A Christmas gift from Luna Lovegood is never dull.
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2665
Warnings: Um. I honestly have no idea whether Luna would be 17 or 18 at the time of this fic, so I'd better warn for underage just in case.
Author's notes: This was written as a gift for [info]bsafemydeers at [info]smutty_claus 2007, for the prompt "school uniforms and happiness"! :) Thanks to [info]misfit_ragdoll and [info]wook77 for the hand-holding and to [info]aoibhe for the tuneage. Also. Hannah Abbott has a cameo role and I've put her in the wrong pub. It was an accident, but I think it makes more sense this way, so I'm sticking to it.

Turn to Me With Frozen Lips )
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"Il Ravanello's Apprentice," Dean/Luna, R [27 Aug 2007|09:19pm]

Title: Il Ravanello's Apprentice
Author: [info]green_amber
Pairing: Dean Thomas/Luna Lovegood
Rating: R
Warnings: none
Word Count: 2851
Summary: Exiled from England, Dean travels to Florence and seeks the tutelage of an eccentric artist.
Notes: Written for the AU theme at [info]daily_deviant. I took a few liberties with history--feel free to ask what's bullshit and what's not. :)

Il Ravanello's Apprentice )
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"Showing Him the Green Card," Luna/Dean, PG [17 Aug 2007|09:19am]

Title: Showing Him the Green Card
Author: [info]green_amber
Pairing: Luna/Dean, Luna/Rolf (sort of), references to Luna/others
Warnings: none
Rating: PG
Word Count: 338
Summary: Luna announces she's getting married, which comes as a bit of a surprise to her boyfriend of fifteen years.
A/N: Yes, I'm still in denial over this Rolf thing. LOL.

Showing Him the Green Card )
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"Circe," Andromeda/Ted, no spoilers [16 Aug 2007|12:47pm]

Title: Circe
Author: [info]green_amber
Pairing: Andromeda/Ted
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: D/s (fem-dom) and brief use of a riding crop
Word Count: 2600
Summary: After twelve years of marriage, Andromeda endeavors to rekindle the flame.
Author's Notes (optional): For the Canon Pairings challenge at [info]erotic_elves. I don't think this contains spoilers for anything more recent than OotP.

Circe )
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"The Elusive Snorkack," Luna/Dean, G, SPOILERS [16 Aug 2007|12:47pm]

Title: The Elusive Snorkack
Author: [info]green_amber
Pairing: Luna/Dean
Rating: G
Word Count: ~2200
Summary: There's something unsaid and unresolved, something suspended in the air between them, and though she's rarely at a loss for words she's not sure which ones to use now.

The Elusive Snorkack )
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FIC: "And the World Will Be Better for This," Minerva/Moody, R, NO SPOILERS [16 Aug 2007|12:46pm]

Title: And the World Will Be Better for This
Author: [info]kethlenda
Pairing: Minerva/Alastor
Rating: R
Warnings: D/s, pegging, scar-kink
Request: "Alastor/Minerva femdom. Pegging. Scar!kink. Set during first war."
Word Count: 1123
Summary: His skin is the record of a hundred battles.
Author's notes: Written for a prompt by [info]stephanometra in the [info]daily_deviant FQF. Rachel, I hope this is close to what you wanted, and I apologize for its brevity and for the schmoop, which came out of nowhere and hijacked the fic. As for the idea of McG and Moody having a past relationship that got 86ed by the war, I think I stole that from [info]snegurochka_lee at some point.

And the World Will Be Better for This )
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"Tidal," Dean/Luna, NC-17 [16 Aug 2007|12:45pm]

Title: Tidal
Author: [info]green_amber
Pairing: Luna/Dean
Warnings: DH SPOILERS. Both characters are in their late teens.
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1420
Summary: They were gathering driftwood for Fleur's fire when it happened.
Notes: Inspired by the scene in DH where Dean and Luna come in from collecting driftwood and are all wet; Dean's acting sort of awkward and Luna's going on about Snorkacks. This is a rather naughty interpretation of what may or may not have happened just before that scene... :)

Written for a prompt at [info]daily_deviant.

Tidal )
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FIC: "Snakeshead Fritillary," Neville/Luna/Ginny/Hermione, NC-17 [16 Aug 2007|12:43pm]

Title: Snakeshead Fritillary
Author: [info]green_amber
Pairing: Neville/Hermione/Ginny/Luna
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: DH SPOILERS, foursome, pegging, plus do I need to warn for complete lack of plot or plausibility? ;) And I think everybody's between 16 and 18 years old, so I probably ought to warn for underage as well. At least for two of the girls.
Word Count: ~1900
Summary: Heroism is rewarded. With sex.
Author's Notes: This one is all [info]ilyena_sylph's fault. We were talking in comments about Neville's general awesomeness, and Ilyena said that Neville deserved to get laid by triplets: a blonde, a brunette, and a redhead. I don't have any triplets up my sleeve without resorting to Sues, but I do happen to know of three lovely, sexy witches with the requisite hair colors...

Snakeshead Fritillary )
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"Five Times Andromeda Tonks Said Good-bye," Andromeda, PG [16 Aug 2007|12:41pm]

Title: Five Times Andromeda Tonks Said Good-bye
Author: [info]kethlenda
Rating: PG
Characters: Andromeda-centric with some Andromeda/Ted and Remus/Tonks
Warnings: implied canon character deaths *sob*
Summary: Andromeda's loves and losses during the Second War.
Notes: Just a little something the bunnies made me do.

Five Times Andromeda Tonks Said Good-bye )
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"Green Water," Bellatrix/Narcissa, NC-17 [16 Aug 2007|12:40pm]

Title: Green Water
Author: [info]green_amber
Pairings: Narcissa/Bellatrix, Narcissa/Lucius, implied Bellatrix/Andromeda
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: incest, underage (15 and 17 at the time of the smut)
Word count: ~2600
Summary: Narcissa and Bellatrix have always been close, but when jealousy rears its head, Narcissa learns that Bellatrix wants to be...even closer.
A/N: Written for [info]thisaestus at [info]reversathon 2007. Thanks to [info]sionnain and [info]stephanometra for the beta and the hand-holding. ♥

Green Water )
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"Incarnation," Tom/Minerva, Marlene, PG-13 [16 Aug 2007|12:39pm]

Title: Incarnation
Author: [info]green_amber
Pairing/Characters: Tom/Minerva, Marlene McKinnon
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: character deaths, oddly sequenced narrative
Word Count: 1248
Summary: "The body is a tool," Tom is fond of saying. "A useful tool, yes--one can't hold a wand without it--but nonetheless, only a tool."

A/N: For the idea of McGonagall having a daughter, and the speculated identity of that daughter, alas, I can take no credit. I got it from a lecture given at Phoenix Rising. [info]schmoo999 can attest to my jawdropping during the lecture, and the fact that I got probably about a half dozen plot bunnies just by listening to this woman. And since I'm a Tom/Minerva shipper, the idea took on a twist that I doubt the lecturer ever intended.

Incarnation )
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"Doulon (the saddest of kingdoms)," Magrog/Nemelez, R [16 Aug 2007|12:38pm]

Title: Doulon (the saddest of kingdoms)
Author: [info]kethlenda
Fandom: Flesh and Spirit by Carol Berg
Pairing: Magrog/Nemelez
Rating: R
Word Count: ~1700
Warnings: attempted human sacrifice, magical drug use, slight S/M themes
A/N: Written for the Devil challenge at [info]fandom_arcana.

Basically, the inspiration for this fic is that, in the novel, there's this magical enchantment/drug that turns pain into pleasure, and there's a little throwaway reference to the spell having been a wedding gift from the god of the dead, Magrog, to his human wife Nemelez. That little reference got me thinking along Hades/Persephone lines, and so here's what I came up with. It's not really spoilery, since it's based on about one sentence early in the book.

Doulon (the saddest of kingdoms) )
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Untitled, Phedre/Nicola, NC-17 [16 Aug 2007|12:38pm]

Title: Um, I don't have one, because I am lame. How about "Untitled"? Original, huh?
Author: [info]green_amber
Fandom: Kushiel's Legacy
Pairing: Phedre/Nicola l'Envers
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: BDSM
Summary: Phedre indulges her darker desires for the first time since Darsanga.
Spoilers: through Kushiel's Scion
A/N: Written June '07 for [info]sionnain's birthday.

Untitled pr0n )
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FIC: "Opalescent," Alecto/Katie, R [16 Aug 2007|12:37pm]

Title: Opalescent
Author: [info]kethlenda
Characters: Alecto/Katie with two OC narrators
Rating: R
Warnings: Non-con
Word Count: ~2000
Summary: Opal is a stone that is most suitable for curses, though the art of enchanting the stone is delicate and dangerous, and only safely undertaken by one born in the month of October.
Author's notes: Written for one of the May prompts at [info]daily_deviant.

Opalescent )
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"Doorstep Revelations," Harry/Percy, PG [16 Aug 2007|12:36pm]

Title: Doorstep Revelations
Author: [info]kethlenda
Pairing: Harry/Percy
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Word Count: I don't remember. Short though.
Summary: Percy has been helping the Order secretly. Harry capslocks a lot.
A/N: Written in May '07 for [info]emiime's birthday.

Doorstep Revelations )
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Fic: "Angels in the Abattoir," Bellatrix/Gabrielle, NC-17 [16 Aug 2007|12:35pm]

Title: Angels in the Abattoir
Author: [info]green_amber
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Bellatrix/Gabrielle
Warnings: slight D/s, flogging, many secondary character deaths
Disclaimer: JKR pwns all.
Summary: Bellatrix takes on a protégée.
Word Count: 3950
Notes: Written for a prompt by [info]sweetcarolanne at [info]hpde_smutathon 2007. The title comes from the song "Mainstream," by Thea Gilmore. Beta-read by the lovely [info]stephanometra.

Angels in the Abattoir )
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"Of Stars and Gorgons," Hermione/Luna, G [16 Aug 2007|12:35pm]

Title: Of Stars and Gorgons
Author: [info]kethlenda
Pairing: Hermione/Luna
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Word Count: 520
Summary: Hermione walks out under the emerald stars, knowing she shouldn't be out of Gryffindor Tower this time of night, for once not caring.
A/N: Just a little something I found on my hard drive tonight.

Of Stars and Gorgons )
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