May. 22nd, 2008


Some words of inspiration

A friend and fellow IJer said some truly beautiful words about gardening and how it makes her feel. I couldn't help but read the post to my baby daughter and my husband as even right now, it touched me so much. I can't remember reading anyone's post so lovely before.

It was a total inspiration to bring me closer to the Earth. I'm a Wiccan High Priestess and so I work with Earth energies all the time, but apartment living left me not doing much practical work with Mother Earth in a long time. So some cloth grocery bags, buying organic whenever I can, and rescuing an office plant to begin my lil' patio garden. In June we're moving to a larger apartment, so I plan on starting an herb garden and possibly some tomatoes next spring. Herbs in little pots right away so I can bring them in when it gets chill out. I want to do hanging plants so the kitties don't get into them. :)

I hope to create a little bit of paradise on my apartment patio.

Good Gardening!