Oct. 27th, 2008


Artemis/Melanie and Pan/Jack

Who: Artemis/Melanie and Pan/Jack
What:First meet
Where: Athens Zoo
When: Late afternoon
Rating: tbd
Status: Incomplete

Standing above the monkey cages at the Athens Zoo, two teens listened on as an elder complained.
"So basically, it got no where last night, right?", inquired a boy by the name of Lance. Jack listened on as he leaned further against a rather large iron railing. A friend to the left by the name of Tommy shrugged and Lance huffed. Jack reached down into his bag of popcorn and tossed another piece up in the air. Catching the kernel lazily in his mouth, he listened further as Lance brailed Tommy boy. "Look, Tommy.", began the older Lance. He was two years the senior of both Jack and Tommy at twenty. And not afraid to proudly proclaim it. "You can't keep doing this, Man. We both can't wing-man it forever getting you tail, if..your not GOING TO USE IT!"

Jack glanced up at that. Lance was prone to anger when anything at all involved women and him not getting his fair share. A side affect to playing the guitar. Jack had always observed most Guitar players to suffer from this. Glancing back to Tommy for a reaction, Jack noticed his cheeks switching to a more visible red. Evidently, Lane noticed it too. "Look," Lance began with more, shall we say...guidance? "Virginity is not something to keep. It's to loose." Which was obviously a touchy subject, for poor Tommy. Probably, due to him being a fatty, Jack observed dryly. That was when the Zoo overclock struck five. Eh, it was getting late. Tommy began another one of his "I'll try harder next time" excuses when Lance rudely cut him off. Well, he was older. Lance could do that. The older boy suggested they Hurry and go before the evening crowd arrives without their music. They all agreed of course. But Jack told them he would hang back. He wanted to make sure the Two bucks getting in was well spent. Plus he had supper to finish.

So while his two friends left the main gate, Jack continued munching from his popcorn bag. The boy walked closer to the exhibit and slid down on the concrete. Allowing his feet to slide in between the bars and dangle down from the air. Below him Monkeys danced this way and that pawing for attention and the occasional exotic bird flapped down to stare at him. This proved quite a mixing crowd of animals, not that Jack noticed. He figured they were all just there for a free meal. Like him. He glanced once at the classic, "DO NOT FEED THE MONKEYS" sign and proceeded to chunk the remains of his meal down below. Screw the rules. They were all obviously hungry. After this, he sharply began to whistle a small melody. Some jingle he heard on TV. Maybe from those Enzyte commercials.
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Sep. 12th, 2008


Brenna/Eris and Melanie/Artemis

Who: Brenna/Eris and Melanie/Artemis
When: Friday night
Where: Cine Paris, the rooftop movie theater in the Plaka
What: Watching a movie
Rating: [tbd] PG-13 at present
Status: Incomplete

It's just something I'm interested in, as a woman. )
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Sep. 8th, 2008


Victor/Apollo and Melanie/Artemis

Who: Victor/Apollo and Melanie/Artemis[OPEN]
When: Evening
Where: Akrotiri in Kalamaki
Rating: [tbd]
Status: [in-progress... and open!]

Can’t repeat the past? ...Why of course you can! )