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Greek Life Out of Character

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[23 Jun 2015|09:33pm]

hi emily! we locked the post w/ your threads cause idk i just started feeling weird that it was unlocked when everything we've ever written was locked. just rejoin this comm with whateva journal you want and comment here that you did so i can approve the membership just incase i don’t get the notification for some reason! ty!

[15 Apr 2011|01:03am]

hello! I had a question about this rp community. Is it still up and running and if so is the application on the mod account the one I fill out for applying?

I know that this is really long, but I would appreciate it if you all read it. [08 Feb 2011|05:58pm]


[02 Jan 2011|10:49pm]


+ Juliet Castillo
+ Twenty, Junior, GAG
+ Majoring in Acturial Sciences
+ 1/4 Russian, rest Spanish
+ Dad walked out on her and her family when she was like 11, got a Step-Dad who she adores
+ Hasn't danced since her Dad left
+ Mom is her biggest inspiration, she's really focused on doing well in school
+ Used to be overweight and attended a summer camp to help her lose it. She's very conscious about the way she looks and how people perceive her, she picks up on people's actions around her more than other people usually would
+ She's quite a bit of a pushover and can't say no to people, can get quite paranoid sometimes
+ Pledged GAG to boost her confidence being around the other girls etc and it's working

application facebook aim - letterstojuliett

[02 Jan 2011|05:50pm]

Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Marco Costa
Aim: Marcococosta
-20 Years Old
-Advertising Major
-Bit of a douche, but he means well
-His dad is a big judge in Arizona so he's pretty loaded.
-Likes to party
-Gets money, fucks bitches, etc
-He looks up to his dad a lot, and really doesn't like his mom/doesn't even know her, but because she left him, so he's forever bitter
-Read his application! It's really short.

[03 Jan 2011|10:05am]


Sup with it vanilla face.

-Blaise Moreau.
-Half French/American. His father's French, and Blaise himself speaks fluent French but he's only been over to his homeland twice.
-19 years old.
-He is gay, but considers himself to be a manly gay.
-Is a diabetic. Had it since he was a child, it's NBD to him, he sings A Little Bit Longer to take the piss out of his fellow curly haired diabetic brethren because he thinks it's a bit pathetic.
-Majoring in art.
-Freshman, pledging SOB.
-Lahvs snowboarding and skiing because he grew up in Aspen, Colorado and basically winter sports took up all of his spare time as a child.
-Has a younger sister called Dominique who is probably the prostitot of Aspen.

application - his aim is blaisezabinis and I'll get around to making a FB for him and add you all.

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