Jan. 1st, 2009


Hades/Tanym and Persephone/Anne

Who: Hades/Tanym & Persephone/Anne
Where: Tanym's place
When: Evening of Friday, Dec. 12th, after this
Rating: tbd
Status: In progress


Dec. 22nd, 2008


Demeter/Chloe & Persephone/Anne: Confrontation

Who: Demeter/Chloe & Persephone/Anne:
What: Discussing the previous day's issue
Where: Demeter's suite
When: Evening of Friday, Dec. 12th
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

After Housekeeping left, she's cleaned the room again. Everything dusted off. The bed remade. Flowers rearranged, then again once more. Demeter couldn't sit still; it was worse than the night she waited for Phoebus. Then, there was fear. Now, there was pain - and anger. How long had this been building? Her daughter had no part in the original offense but now, now when there was choice and the chance to start once again, how could she... The blonde goddess didn't want to think of the reasons; she knew them already and was slowly accepting them no matter how painful they were. Her Kore was in love but that made it no easier on her mother. Yes, the talk with Hestia had helped to some degree. Helped her sort out her thoughts and feelings and truthfully only solidified her decision to follow the path she'd set for herself. Now, all she had to do was wait for the younger woman to arrive.

As if on cue, her phone rang, announcing Anne's arrival. "Please, send her up," Demeter told the and after hanging up the receiver, began to smooth the wrinkles from her dress. The simple Greco-roman styled piece was a deep forest green and matched the scarf that covered her head perfectly, accenting her light hazel eyes and golden skin. Though no matter how much she may appear the goddess she'd once been, Demeter hardly felt it as she stood by the door, waiting for Kore's knock.

Dec. 19th, 2008


Text Message to Demeter/Chloe

[To:] Montgomery, C.
[From:] Bennet, I. Anne

Mother, you can't LEAVE! I'm sorry I missed you at lunch -- I had a bit of a run-in, so I got there later than intended. I didn't mean to leave you both in that situation. Please don't go!

Dec. 18th, 2008


Hermes/Angelos and Persephone/Anne: The "Something Suddenly Came Up"

Who: Hermes/Angelos and Persephone/Anne
What: A run-in
Where: The University
When: Thursday, December 11, while this is going on... so, something suddenly came up, leaving momma!Deme and hubby!Hades to their own devices
Rating: tbd
Status: complete!

His voice was the ripe ripple of the corn; The touch of dew, the rush of morning air. )

Dec. 14th, 2008


Emails and Txt Messages

She didn't trust the journals. Not now, not to make arrangements and talk of more private things. Or to warn the others.

Txt Message To Kore/Anne
[To:] Anne
[From:] Montgomery, C.

Hera is in my hotel. Italian woman, smokes like chimney stack. Didn't seem all that pleased to see me. Don't know if she knows. - D

Email To Apollo/Victor
To: [Phoebus]
From: [Deo]
Subject: Tread softly

We're going to have to be very discreet when I show you my new hotel room. Your stepmother is sharing the same floor with me. Still, there is a hot tub here you should come and check out and that being said makes any sneaking around completely worth it.

Dec. 11th, 2008


Hades/Tanym and Persephone/Anne: Wishful Thinking?

Who: Hades and Persephone
What: Dinner, featuring talks of Demeter, of their present situation, and babies... wait, what?
Where: Anne's place, in Plaka
When: December 4th, evening (backdated)
Rating: PG
Status: complete

'Your mother?' he asked with an arched brow. 'I take it you don't mean your mortal one.' )

Dec. 4th, 2008


Demeter/Chloe & Persephone/Anne: Text Message

[To:] Anne
[From:] C. Montgomery
Will be out tonight, possibly til tomorrow. Will not have bb. Call Charlie - same # as mine but ending with a 2 instead of 1 - if there is an emergency.

Dec. 3rd, 2008


Tristan/Dionysus and OPEN

Who: Tristan/Dionysus and OPEN
When: Early evening
Where: Poseidonos Avenue
What: Tristan is window shopping for a location to open a new club
Rating: tbd
Status: in progress

How great are the dangers I face to win a good name in Athens )