August 18th, 2008

[info]ellaselenelupin in [info]grangerenchant

Are you pouting because I forgot you yesterday?

No updates at We Solemnly Swear..., Pure Arrogance and Elysium.


From Dire Circumstances by brandy01
Rating: R
Pairing/Characters: Hermione Granger, Severus Snape
Status: WIP
Summary: Dumbledore asks Snape to do him a favour... Christmas with Miss Granger? Hermione willingly goes along with the only man that can protect her from the Dark Lord for this break... Set in Hermione's 7th year at Hogwarts and during the fall of Voldemort...

The Bike by Wickedswanz
Rating: R
Pairing/Characters: Sirius Black
Status: One-Shot
Summary: Hermione takes the broken parts of Sirius's bike out of Harry's hands...Whatever is she to do with them, and what is with those strange dreams?