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LOG | Richie Grayson and Sasha Bordeaux [Sep. 26th, 2008|11:54 pm]
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SUMMARY Richie shows up at Wayne Manor and helps its newest resident move in.

I wouldn't mind having a little eternal gratitude. )
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log: richie grayson & bruce wayne [Sep. 19th, 2008|04:03 am]
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summary. The hilarious son visits the grumpy father at the hospital.

I've been here a week and they took away my remote. )
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narrative: just another night. [Sep. 18th, 2008|04:04 am]
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In Old Gotham, Gotham's rich and bored are hosting yet another charity event -- this one in preservation of a historic building in the same neighborhood. But of course, the reason for the event never once enters conversation while they wine and dine.

In Gotham General Hospital, Bruce Wayne occupies a private room and flirts with the nurses who came to check-in on him. If it were up to him, he would have been out of here days ago -- but Lucius Fox and the Board insisted he take it slow and come to check on him everyday.

In the East End, a mugging goes horribly wrong when the woman tries to fight back. Her body is found slumped against a dumpster, huge welts in her chest where the muggers shot her. Uniformed officers of the GCPD comb through the crime scene.

In Park Row, Dr. Leslie Thompkins shakes her head as she patches up Killer Croc. He had shown up at her clinic and obeyed her one rule to receive treatment -- do not bring violence or trouble into her clinic.

Down at central headquarters, the receptionist Stacy heads up to the roof for some fresh air. In the shadow of the Bat-signal, she stumbles on detectives Romy Chandler and Marcus Driver making out. They swear her to secrecy.

From the Clocktower, Oracle communicates to Nightwing and Robin on the field, making sure to cover the ground lost during Batman's little sabbatical.

In her Old Gotham apartment, police captain Maggie Sawyer gets a good night of sleep after having to wait at Goodwin International Airport for her girlfriend Toby Raines' delayed flight from Metropolis.

At Wayne Tower, Lucius Fox works late, personally pouring over resumes of qualified candidates for a new position at Wayne Enterprises -- as Bruce Wayne's bodyguard.

In Robinson Park, Poison Ivy takes one last look at the orphans she rescued earlier this week. They are curled up on a bed of leaves. The plant coverage expands and flourishes to give them more privacy.

Welcome to Gotham.
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log. nightwing & huntress [Sep. 13th, 2008|06:35 pm]
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summary. Backdated to early 2007. Nightwing and Huntress meet for the first time on a rooftop in Gotham.

Are you one of those people who bite their nails? Because I can't stand that. )
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log | richie grayson and tim drake [Sep. 13th, 2008|12:18 am]
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SUMMARY | [backdated to early into Tim's training] Richie stops by Wayne Manor and finds Tim falling on his face a lot in the Batcave. Richie shares some of his expertise.

That's his helpful suggestion. Don't look before you leap. )
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