Mythology & Folklore & Legends!!
What Would Neil Gaiman Do?
Recent Entries 
30th-Jun-2010 07:21 pm - People Shouldn't Worry Over Stupid Things.
Title: Two Princes.
Character(s): Two Prince Charmings (one from "Snow White," and one from "Sleeping Beauty"). Also, an appearance by a black dog.
Folklore used: German/British Isles
Rating: PG
Summary: A meeting between two princes leads to one of them feeling like he's not worthy of the love of his princess, and so, he does something rash.

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8th-Feb-2010 07:46 pm - Another "Red Riding Hood" Fic.
Title: The Huntsman
Character(s): Red Riding Hood/The Wolf
Folklore Used: German
Rating: G
Summary: Red and the wolf meet and fall in love, only to have the "traditional" story come about at a later date, and she's sure that it's about her.

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15th-Oct-2009 06:31 pm - Snow White Queen.
Title: Snow White Queen
Character(s): Snow White/The Queen
Folklore Used: German
Rating: G
Summary: The queen from "Snow White" plots to kill Snow White.

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8th-Sep-2009 06:15 pm - Yet Another Red Riding Hood Fic
Title: The Hollow
Character(s): Red Riding Hood
Folklore Used: German
Rating: PG
Summary: Red is kind of trying to deal with the death of her grandmother.
Disclaimer: My own gram died this past December, and so, I'm kind of channeling a bit of that here.

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1st-Aug-2009 10:41 pm - Cinderella.
Title: Cinder Block
Character(s): Cinderella/Prince Charming
Folklore Used: German
Rating: PG
Summary: Cinderella meets Prince Charming at the ball.
Warning(s): Mild innuendo.

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16th-May-2009 06:59 pm - The Frog Prince.
Title: Toad
Character(s): The Frog Prince/An unnamed girl
Folklore: German
Rating: PG-13
Summary: What caused the frog prince to be changed into a frog.
Warning(s): Possible trigger for rape victims.

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22nd-Apr-2009 07:06 pm - Snow White & Rose Red.
Title: Sisters
Characters: Snow White & Rose Red/Goldilocks/Red Riding Hood
Folklore: German
Rating: PG
Summary: Snow White, Rose Red, Goldilocks and Red Riding Hood having a meal together.
Disclaimer(s): I fully admit to basing SW & RR's relationship vaguely on "Fables".

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18th-Jan-2009 04:55 pm - A Lost Love.
Title: Big Bad Wolf
Character(s): Red Riding Hood/Big Bad Wolf
Folklore: German
Rating: G
Summary: The Wolf laments his lost love.

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13th-Aug-2008 06:01 pm - Just a Silly Thing.
Title: Red and Gold B&B
Character(s): Red Riding Hood/Goldilocks.
Folklore From: Germany/British Isles
Rating: G
Summary: An ad for a fairytale B&B.

I just had the silly idea of Red Riding Hood and Goldilocks opening a B&B together. The result is probably made of fail. )
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