Mythology & Folklore & Legends!!
What Would Neil Gaiman Do?
Recent Entries 
22nd-Apr-2009 07:06 pm - Snow White & Rose Red.
Title: Sisters
Characters: Snow White & Rose Red/Goldilocks/Red Riding Hood
Folklore: German
Rating: PG
Summary: Snow White, Rose Red, Goldilocks and Red Riding Hood having a meal together.
Disclaimer(s): I fully admit to basing SW & RR's relationship vaguely on "Fables".

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7th-Apr-2009 07:04 pm - Herne the Hunter.
Title: Herne
Character(s): Herne the Hunter/Richard II/Philip Urswick
Folklore: British Isles
Rating: PG
Summary: The plotting of hunters against Herne, and the outcome of their plot against him.

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18th-Jan-2009 04:55 pm - A Lost Love.
Title: Big Bad Wolf
Character(s): Red Riding Hood/Big Bad Wolf
Folklore: German
Rating: G
Summary: The Wolf laments his lost love.

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26th-Oct-2008 02:09 pm - Sympathy For the Devil
Title: Monster
Character: A shapeshifter
Fandom(s): SPN
Further Reference(s): Shapeshifters in the SPN 'verse/Werewolves/Hunters/Psychics/The Black Forest.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The life of a young girl, in the SPN 'verse, who also happens to be a shapeshifter, and how she is treated by "normal" people.
Warning(s): Though, I don't actually go into a lot of detail, there is some abuse.

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16th-Oct-2008 05:44 pm - Probably Made of Fail.
Title: Mab
Character(s): Queen Mab/Titania/Oberon
Further Reference(s): Merlin
Fandom(s)/Crossover Alert(s): Merlin/"A Midsummer Night's Dream"
Pantheon(s): Faerie
Folklore From: British Isles
Rating: G
Summary: Mab tries to get Titania and Oberon's consent for the creation of Merlin.

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12th-Oct-2008 08:03 pm - Vampire!Fic
Title: Sun Child. Moon Child.
Character(s): A Vampire
Folklore Used: Vampire Lore
Rating: G
Summary: A vampire elder, muses on his life ... urrr, unlife.

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8th-Oct-2008 08:07 pm
Title: Cuckoldry
Character(s): Loki/Zisa
Pantheon(s): Norse
Rating: PG
Summary: The wife of Tyr pays Loki a late night visit.

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8th-Oct-2008 05:34 pm - Samhain.
Title: Craft
Character(s): Hecate/a demon
Further Reference(s): The Crossroads/Samhain
Pantheon(s): Greek/Wiccan/Christian/Celtic
Rating: PG
Summary: Hecate tries to enjoy Samhain, but is interrupted by a demon, at a crossroads.

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27th-Sep-2008 06:27 pm - Demon!Fic
Title: Samael
Character(s): Samael(Lucifer)/Lilith/Adam
Pantheon(s): Christian/Jewish
Rating: PG
Summary: The first temptation, from the POV of the tempter.
Warning(s): Samael is a creepy stalker.

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24th-Sep-2008 10:08 pm - The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.
Title: Ichabod
Character(s): Ichabod Crane/Brom Bones/the Headless Horseman
Folklore From: United States
Rating: G
Summary: Ichabod Crane gets help from Brom Bones, in executing a plan to escape Sleepy Hollow.

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