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Generation Next Backstory

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Fic I wrote about little Mark, Doug, and Alex [October 13]

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Mark and Alex, age six, tell five year old Doug that he was adopted so Doug runs away.

You can find it at [info]nekoneechan

Yeah, so I got a little bored.

Meme time! [September 04]

Okay guys, it's time for another meme! Why? Because we like to. So it goes a little something like this.

Make a post with your character's name. People will reply to the thread with three names of characters in the game. From those three your character will choose one to love, one to simply have sex with, and one that's destined for death. And one has to be slotted for each so there is no simple 'I love them all' allowed!

Remember this is done IC for your characters, so it would be what each of your characters thinks!

[September 03]

Who: Perdie and Tally.
When: Uh. Sometime in their 6th year. Like. March. Or April.
Where: Their dorm.
Rating: G. For GIRLY. Aha, they're talking about smexy time, so. There's a warning for yah.

Every six seconds... )

[July 27]

Who: Bridget Grunnion and Barbie MacFusty
Where: Barbie's house!
When: A few weeks before they leave for Austria!
What: Bridget decides to visit Barbie and see the DRAGONS!
Rating: PG?

She LOVED going to the MacFusty's and seeing the DRAGONS they took care of )

[July 25]

Who: Dominique Weasley and Peaches Pilliwickle
Where: The BURROW
When: The summer after first year
What: Dominique and Peaches decide to sleep over after another Weasley & CO gathering
Rating: er.. PG just to be safe? Cause it's PEACHES

The end result hadn't been pretty for those two but it had caused instantaneous bonding between the two girls. )

[July 25]

Who: Oliver Wood, Jr. and Dominique Weasley
When: Mid-July 2021
Where: The Burrow
What: Teddy and Victoire's engagement party- the first time Oliver and Dom have seen each other since The Breakup D:
Rating: R. They're both pretty vulgar when they're upset.

Oliver felt like he was going to vomit. )

[July 25]

Who: Katie Bell, Maddie Bell...and Maddie's father (DUN DUN DUN).
Where: The Hufflepuff/Gryffindor Quidditch Match.
When: March 12th, 2018.
What: With one of the chasers out with a broken leg, second year reserve Maddie gets her first chance to play...and both of her parents are there
Rating: PG AT MOST.
Status: Dunzo.

Katie smelled him before she saw him, that familiar scent of pepper and cedarwood. )

[July 25]

Who: Peaches Pelagia & Polly Pocket & Pickles & Jack Pilliwickle.
Where: The Pilliwickle family home.
When: June 23rd, 2018.
What: With their mum in jail (again) and their dad off keeping her company, Peaches and Polly make themselves some sphagetti.
Rating: PG13 at most, if Pickles and Jack cause Peaches to swear.

Pickles the Dog would likely bite anyone who tried to harm them, should Peaches or Polly not manage to do something to the person in question first. )

[July 25]

Who: James Potter and PEACHES PELAGIA PILLIWICKLE. Oliver and Dom are welcomed to jump in as the other two kids on the boat~
Where: The boat ride towards the castle.
When: September 1st, 2016.
What: James meets PEACHES for the first time, funniness ensues.
Rating: A for ABUSE. Peaches is a mean girl.

He was jittery, bouncing on the balls of his feet and standing on his tiptoes to see over the sea of children in front of him. )

[July 24]

Who: Oliver Wood Jr. and Dominique Weasley
Where: The Room of Requirement
When: June, 2021 (The last night of school, end of sixth year!)
What: The END of Dominique and Oliver's relationship ! D:
Rating: R -- drinking, swearing, nekidness, etc.

Yes, that was indeed her boyfriend and yes he was half-naked on top of a desk with ANOTHER GIRL. )

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