29 August 2008 @ 11:29 pm
First posted on LJ: 2006-06-26  
Title: Temptation
Fandom: Sado Island RP
Pairing: Youko (YYH)/Sakura (Naruto)
Words: 374
Notes: Some mentioning of sex
Spoilers: N/A
Disclaimer: The characters are not mine, they belong to their creator.

Temptation )

Title: Unfaithful
Fandom: Sado Island RP
Pairings: Youko/Sakura and Naruto/Sakura
Words: 346
Notes: Angst-tinted, mentioning of sex
Spoilers: N/A
Disclaimer: The characters are not mine, they belong to their creator.
Author's Note: Inspired by THIS song.

Unfaithful )