29 August 2008 @ 11:57 pm
First posted on GJ: 2007-07-05  
Title: Rain
Fandom: Sado Island RP
Pairing: Youko (YYH)/Sakura (Naruto)
Notes: Some sexual content.
Spoilers: All of Sado Island.
Disclaimer: The characters are not mine, they belong to their respective creators.

It was a hot, rainy day, the raindrops hitting against the window. As she followed a raindrop's trail on the glass surface she suddenly started realizing what she had been trying to repress for a long time.

"Oh no..." was heard in a low voice, followed by a groan.

Earlier that day she had seen him in the library, leaning against the wall, one arm above the blushing girl's head. Seeing him give that girl the same look as he gave her, seeing him give that girl that girl a slow, seductive kiss on the neck as he said something that made her blush even harder, sent a painful throb through her heart. Without a second thought she turned on her heel, quickly walking back to her room.

She had spent the last couple of hours sitting curled up on her bed, staring at nothing, thousands of thoughts running through her head.

As the first couple of raindrops were heard, images of him started standing out in her scattered thoughts. For each and every raindrop images, memories and feelings started to emerge through the chaos that was her mind.

Most girls who realized that they were in love got a smile on their face, but she just raised a trembling hand to her mouth, groaning: "Oh no...," her voice shaking.

Hiding her face in her hands she let out what could best be described as a pained sound. A minute or two passed and putting her hands on her stomach she leaned her head back, looking at the ceiling with something empty in her eyes. When she heard someone step into the room she didn't even react, she just kept staring at the ceiling.

"What's the matter, Sakura-chan? Something wrong?"

Sakura snorted. She didn't even try to fool herself into believing that he actually cared.

"It is none of your business, so you can go back to where you came from." She just wanted him to disappear so she could be alone and wallow in self-pity.

"Tsk, tsk. I'd expect you of all people to have better manners than that."

"Well, you of all people should know that no one can have good manners all the time. So just go and leave me alone."

In a very demonstrative gesture she crossed her arms and turned her back to him, not caring how childish it may seem. Deep inside she knew that he wouldn't pass up on this chance to tease her, but even so, she almost jumped in surprise when she felt a hand on her shoulder. When he leaned in, his breath warm against her ear, Sakura tensed, dreading what would come next.

"Jealousy doesn't suit you, beautiful." His voice was teasing, even using his so-called nickname for her, but at the same time it was smug, knowing that he had finally won their game.

"I hate you," she muttered. And most of all I hate what you do to me.

Youko didn't say anything, he just smirked.

Sakura followed a lone raindrop's journey on the window – her eyes almost burning a hole in the innocent window – and as it reached the end, hanging on for a moment before finally falling to the ground, she felt his lips on her neck, touching that spot. Not being able to hold in a sigh of contentment she couldn't help but feeling like that raindrop, trying to hold on for as long as she could before she finally had to let go, facing the inevitable outcome.

The room filled with the sounds of clothes being thrown on the floor and the unmistakable sounds of two bodies joining.

Outside the rain kept falling; the monsoon was here.
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Deadly Belladonna: [SI] that was a dirty move[info]madargon on August 29th, 2008 05:48 pm (UTC)
Aaah, I miss them!
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Lady of the Night: [RP] Youko/Sakura beloved enemy[info]nimore on August 29th, 2008 06:01 pm (UTC)
Me too! Every damn time that I read one of these I miss them so damn much.
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