29 August 2008 @ 11:36 pm
First posted on LJ: 2006-09-27  
Title: Ice cream cake
Fandom: Naruto
Pairing: Naruto/Hinata
Words: 226
Notes: None
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: The characters are not mine, they belong to their creator.
Written for: michrure @ LJ

"H-happy birthday, Naruto-kun," Hinata stuttered, her face all red as she offered the blond the box she held in her hands.

All that Naruto did for a couple of moments was to stare at Hinata and then at the box.

"For me? Thanks, Hinata-chan!"

His surprise changed into his typical grin and he accepted the box, examining it curiously before opening it. In the box was a cake and from the look of it, it was an ice cream cake.

Hinata was now doing her typical nervous gestures with her hands and seemed to be prepared to bolt at any moment.

"Have you made this yourself?" Apparently Naruto had never heard about the girl's infamous cooking and baking skills so when she nodded his grin turned even wider. "Come on, let's eat it together!"

With that he took a hold of her arm and dragged her to his apartment where they – after much blushing and stuttering from Hinata's side – shared the cake.

The next day he turned to her bed – which were right beside his in the hospital – and gave her a big, although a bit tired, smile.

"Thanks, Hinata-chan. That was the best cake I've ever tasted!"

It was right there and then that Hinata for the first time dared to hope that he actually returned her feelings.

"Hey, why are you crying?! Stop crying!"
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Deadly Belladonna[info]madargon on August 29th, 2008 05:59 pm (UTC)
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