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Girl Gamers of the World Unite

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Sigh [Dec. 14th, 2007|04:08 pm]
Well, it looks like my co-moderator has deleted her account, so yeah.

I'm looking for people to co-moderate the asylum. If you're interested, please post here.

Edit: Thanks to [info]escapee_of_lj and [info]katiegeek23, our new co-moderators.

In gaming news, I dinged to level 56 on WoW. Who says you can't be productive when you have the flu? :) For those of you who play, is it just me, or is the Christmas stuff a tad late? It's still not implemented, or I'm just missing out. I don't get it.

Edit Part Deux: The Christmas stuff was implemented on Garona, the server I play on. Yay.
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Gee, I wish they would make... [Dec. 9th, 2007|08:56 pm]
[Mood | nerdy]

</a></strong></a>[info]sixxie and I were talking about various things when I made this comment:

"I'm still wishing for a remake of FFVII. Or a remake or a sequel of Chrono Trigger."

I seriously mean it. While I like FFVII as-is (I now consider it a fun classic to occasionally come back to), I'd love to see it... uh... Refined. Enhanced. I'd happily open my wallet for it. Ditto for a remake or a TRUE sequel of Chrono Trigger, as I adore the game and I've found Chrono Cross rather disappointing, even though I like what Yasunori Mitsuda did with the music.

How about you? Is there a game that doesn't exist yet but you often find yourself wishing for its existence?
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WoW Funnies [Dec. 8th, 2007|09:12 am]

This happened over a month ago, but it's still hilarious to this day, hence why my IJ is named such.

My best friend Faeth and I, who I met when I was in Spectrum Rage on Garona, left the guild to form our own. Another friend decided to tag along, and yesterday, we finally formed I Enlightenment I.

My friend Faeth, the guild leader, invited a guy into the guild who basically taught him everything about being a prod pally. As soon as Faeth let him in, it was elitism to the core. He started posting all the epic gear he had, bragging about his adventures in the battlegrounds and basically saying how great he was. Faeth, the poor dear, was appalled by his behavior. This guy basically demanded Faeth promote him to officer because of course, he taught Faeth everything he knew. Reluctantly, Faeth promoted him. This really fueled his ego, so he brought his alts into the guild and when Faeth logged off, he promoted them all.

Minutes later, Faeth and I were just about fed up with this guy, and he went bragging, yet again, about how great he was. In response to his 'greatness', I said this in guild chat:

'Could you please stop taking all my air? Your ego is sucking my will to live.'

There was dead silence in guild, but Faeth, Solariella (our mutual friend) and I were dying of laughter over voice chat. The egomaniac had NOTHING to say for the next 5 minutes, but then he said, 'o sorry i blame all the dr pepper i drank made with sugar cane'. As soon as he logged out, we booted him and his alts out.

Fast forward to earlier today, the egomaniac logs in and apparently, he decided to delete all his alts. Hmm, I wonder if it had anything to do with what I said. >:)

I just had to share this story.

Final Fantasy fans! [Dec. 7th, 2007|05:08 am]
[Music |Stabbing Westward - "So Far Away [Acoustic]"]

Okay, so in an attempt to keep the conversational spark in the new comm, let me ask how many of you play the Final Fantasy games? Does anyone have a favorite one?

While I love the earlier ones, I have to say my personal favorite is FFX-2. First of all, we finally have not one but THREE female protagonists! How cool is that??? The graphics are close enough to human but not overly complicated like later games are. The dresspheres were an interesting change from the typical ways of gaining magic and abilities, and the costume changes were neat!

But that's just me. What about you?
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Gaming Hoohah [Dec. 6th, 2007|10:08 pm]
[Tags|, , ]

What games are you girls currently playing? As I stated previously, I have been playing World of Warcraft for the past 4 months. I am a level 51 Troll Priest, specced in shadow. I have some other toons I rarely play, but I am fond of my blood elf warlock. Haven't really been doing much, as I am waiting for the holiday stuff to come out. I also collect non-combat pets, and I have 18 currently.

I haven't played a console in a while, but more than likely, I will pick up a Wii sometime next year. I was a Playstation peep for years, but Mario brought me back to Nintendo, not to mention Sonic. Yay.
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Intros Here! [Dec. 3rd, 2007|11:53 am]
When I logged on this morning, I couldn't believe an asylum for us gamer girls wasn't present, so, I decided to make one.

A little about myself: I have been gaming since the days of the Atari 2600, Colecovision, and Intellivision. So yeah, late 70s, early 80s. I currently play World of Warcraft, as I don't really have the time for other games at the moment.

Anyway, welcome to the asylum. If anyone has any feedback or whatever, please feel free to let me know or post your ideas.
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