Girl Gamers of the world unite! - February 10th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Girl Gamers of the World Unite

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February 10th, 2008

When Gaming Isn't Fun Anymore, Part II [Feb. 10th, 2008|07:22 pm]
[Location |Home Sweet Hell]
[Mood | cold]

Well, I decided at the end of the month, I am suspending my WoW account while I go on hiatus. If and when I do decide to return, I am moving to another server. A friend suggested Skywall, so I will look into it at a later date. I may suspend after the Valentine's Day content, and to say goodbye to some of the friends I made. I still have one last gift to give to a dear friend before I depart. So, for the next 4 days, I will be farming like a mad woman for Peddlefeet, but not for me - for my sweetie who I have grown to adore and will miss.

I want to personally thank you all for your comments on my previous post. I'm glad I am not the only one who has experienced burnout. It sounds silly, but at least suspending my account will save me fifteen dollars a month. I guess I'm to the point where fifteen bucks isn't worth the stress and crap on WoW.
Link1 has jumped Jump!

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