Ginny Love - February 5th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Ginny Love

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February 5th, 2008

Welcome! [Feb. 5th, 2008|04:51 pm]


[Mood | chipper]

Hello and welcome to [info]ginny_love, the asylum for fans of Ginny Weasley from the Harry Potter series.

Fic and art/graphics are welcome (but remember to use the formats in the asylum info). All pairings are welcome here (as well as gen), as long as Ginny plays a central role.

I have some buttons, in case any of you want to link back to [info]ginny_love in your profiles. Buttons! )
LinkGive some love

Affiliates [Feb. 5th, 2008|06:26 pm]



This post is for affiliates of [info]ginny_love. All affiliated asylums will be listed here, with a brief description. If you wish to affiliate your asylum with [info]ginny_love, comment to this post.

Fandom Affiliates )

Non-Fandom Affiliates )
Link2 loves|Give some love

[Feb. 5th, 2008|09:19 pm]


Hi! I have a poll (well, technically two polls) on what is and isn't acceptable in Harry Potter fanfiction posted in my journal. Feel free to go fill it out! :D

Posted in [info]hp_polls, [info]socanon_hp, [info]ginny_love, [info]harry_potter, and [info]potter_fans
LinkGive some love

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