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Nov. 29th, 2009


Oh dear god. I'm such an idiot. I completely forgot this is the Northern Hemisphere we're set in so I've completely stuffed up the seasons in some of my posts... which is why Susan is wearing a summer dress *heads desk*

So let's all pretend that its never mentioned 'kay?

Alex... the #1 idiot :P

Nov. 27th, 2009


Sorry for being off and on with Hannah! XP I'll be on tomorrow to catch up and respond to the girls night out! <3 Black Friday was a killer when you work two jobs. XP

Nov. 25th, 2009


Don't usually use the OOC comm for personal stuff, but this is totally worth it! As of 2 PM EST I am gainfully employed at least for the holiday season! HURRAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And now we return you to your regularly schedueled programming!


Hi guys just a heads up. Lauren's internet is dead. She should be getting it back on Friday though.

Nov. 24th, 2009


With the departure of Caitlin, most of my plot goes with her, and truthfully I have never felt fully welcomed in the game outside of her. So thank you for the past few months. They have been enjoyable, but I am afraid I must now take my leave and pull Cedric.


Nov. 20th, 2009


elouai's doll maker 3

Boredom. Its CiCi...almost girly.

Nov. 10th, 2009


Hey, lovies. I'm going on hiatus starting tomorrow morning through Sunday night. Traveling out of state to see my sister graduate from OCS. *sniff* I'm just so proud of her! ♥ Anywho, will likely not have time to hang out online, but will be checking e-mail if you need me that way.

Hermione, Kirley, Molly, Rabastan


Hi guys, I suppose this is a semi-hiatus notice. Not because I have anything coming up but because I'm so blah at the moment. I'm having a lot of trouble concentrating on anything at the moment and its seriously impacting on my RPing. I will reply to your posts but it might take awhile (a few days unfortuantely). If more goes by and I still haven't replied feel free to poke me on AIM (I can recieve offline messages/will be invisible) but you can also email me at It probably hasn't helped that the weather has gone from mild winter weather to boiling hot in like two days but hopefully I'll be back to normal soon enough. I love this game too much to stay away for a long time.


Nov. 4th, 2009


Hiatus Notice 11/5 - 11/10

Hey everyone. This is just a notice to let everyone know that I am taking a necessary hiatus. I'm heading to Nekocon tomorrow and apparantly the room in Virginia doesn't have internet, but the convention center does. As such I'll be able to check in but you probably won't be hearing much from me.

I have given control of Penelope/Granny/Queen Mum to Kimberly and she has my complete permission to play her or godmod her. I am just putting this here (even though I have already told her) for 'legal' reasons LOL. Also I'll be writing up the next attack by Mr. Question while I'm in VA. So that'll be ready when I get home.

I'm contactable by phone. Feel free to call if you need me. Lauren, Kimberly and Amy all have my number. I'll be glad to hear from any and all of you. And yes there WILL be photos up on facebook. So if you'd like to see them facebook friend me. The name is Abby Leib ;)


Blah, I've done it again, haven't I? I wanted to apologize for Ron's absence lately- his mun's been going through real life drama and hasn't been very good at keeping up with anything!

I'm afraid until I get my real life sorted out, I need to take some time off from the games and focus on things personally. I just wanted to apologize and to say that you all have been a fantastic and supportive group of players over the last few months. I'd love to pick up Ron again if he's not taken in a few months time, but for now I feel it's unfair to hold onto him when I know he's a character that has a lot more room for growth and is just sitting stagnant. So, I shall release him to the greater journal 'gods' (or mods, I might say) and hope that someone with love, inspiration, and a knack for Ronnikins can pick him up and take him where he needs to go!

I swear that all made sense in my head. Anyway, thanks again and hope to play with you guys in the future! :)

Oct. 30th, 2009



Okay, I have to apologize. It's taken me a few days to get around to doing this, but hey... It's Halloween, my favorite holiday of the year.

Anywho, HELLO EVERYONE! My name is Stacey and I am bringing to you Mr. Colin Creepy Creevey. He is a celebrity photographer (read: paparazzi) and, if your character is even the least bit famous, chances are they've punched him in the face he's gotten a few (or more) shots of them. Maybe they were flattering, but probably not. He likes long walks on the beach, puppies, and margaritas is completely open for any plot, any at all. Seriously. If you have an idea, toss it at us. Otherwise, you can reach both Colin and I on AIM at mcstaceypants or through email at

Thanks all!

Oct. 29th, 2009


Hey, all! I'm going to be out of town until Sunday night Will have sporadic internet access, but should not be relied on for...well, anything.

See you on Monday!


Oct. 26th, 2009


Life is a bit hectic right now. I just made manager at a store I've never worked at before (and yes I set the alarm system off on my first day ftw) and my sleep is all off. The store is half hour away so I'm waking up even earlier or getting home even later. I'll update tomorrow at the earliest or Friday by the latest.


Oct. 16th, 2009


Good news! I HAVE FINISHED ALL MY CLASSES FOR THE SEMESTER. I just have a couple of projects and two exams which are over by Nov 2 SO I'LL BE AROUND A LOT MORE!!!! And no waiting for tags from me too :D :D


Oct. 13th, 2009


Okay, so Beth here with character #3, Lord Edgar Bones. Edgar is 45, a hitwizard, and has been a Viscount for 18 years. He's married, has 4 children (the last of which is adopted) ranging in ages from 24 to 8. Eddie's ambitious, intellectual, likes to do things by trial and error but he will do anything to protect his nearest and dearest friends and family. He's also lighthearted around his friends as well. With all that said, I'm open to friends/enemies/whatev!


I'm baaack

Hey Everyone,

After what seems like FOREVER, Ron is back!!! That means I need updates, updates, UPDATES! Please feel free to contact me via AIM (norshallwedie) or on this thread if you think there is anything ron should know or you want to plot. I'm trying to catch up, but this game moves too fast hahaha. ;)

Oct. 12th, 2009


Hello! This is Spoon, a new player to the game and I bring you Hannah Abbott! I heard that she was played for a little bit here before, so your character had interaction with her and would like to continue, I would be completely A-OK with it! ^__^ Otherwise, I'm definitely looking for some interaction for my girl!

You can find her info HERE. If you would like to IM me, my screenname is raven haired cho on AIM! I look forward to RPing with everyone here! ^_^

~ Spoon!

Oct. 11th, 2009


Switching Draco's PB to more expressive and (as I'm told) smexier Bradley James.

That is all.

Oct. 9th, 2009


Hey, all! I have drill this weekend and because of the schedule for it, I'm going to end up sleeping at the office (which is not nearly as bad as it sounds, I've got a hammock and real sweet set-up for when I do this). Unless I can con a local friend into letting me use his computer Saturday night, you probably won't see me again until Monday.

Alas. But at least it's only two days.

~Libby (Hermione, Rabastan, Molly, Kirley)

Oct. 8th, 2009


I'm going to be gone most of the weekend, just incase someone needs me and I'm missing :)

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